Virgo : Pure, True, Best You

It’s Virgo Season, and this year, we’re giving it the attention it deserves. Virgo – Pure, True, Best You is a blog for everyone, not just Virgos. We all have Virgo in our birth charts somewhere. It’s the energy that helps us be, do, and live better. We don’t like someone pointing out our mistakes and weaknesses or finding them in ourselves, but without that awareness, how would we ever get to the next level? Virgo is not easy energy, but ironically, when done well, it brings ease. Problems don’t exist without solutions, and Virgo is tapped into both.

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What comes to your mind first with “Virgo?” Someone stuck in the details? Someone working their life away in service of others? Most astrological books and memes out there paint that picture. It’s so easy to just see Virgo as hard-working and over-thinking with critical and controlling tendencies. It’s not the only controlling sign, but even when making things better, it seems to get less appreciation for its efforts. Scorpio is also into control, but all its seduction and mystery give it a sexier image. Capricorn’s another controller, but we kind of expect that from the authority of the zodiac.

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With Virgo, we see nitpicking – hyperfocus on details that drives some of us insane. Why is Virgo so obsessed with getting it right, or more importantly, not getting it wrong? It seems to be about the outside world, like cleaning the house, doing the task correctly, or fixing things and putting them where they belong. Those are just external attempts to do an inside job. The outward critical eye is attempting to analyze and perfect something within.

Let’s back up for a minute and talk about signs. Every sign is a domain of consciousness through which we develop, grow, and learn. Signs are energy fields. We think we’ve figured them out – with our keywords, books, and clever social posts, but really they’re beyond that, always revealing new aspects and wisdom. I like to think of signs as having agendas or motivations. They want something. So what’s Virgo’s agenda? It’s not just one thing, but if I had to narrow it down, I’d say self-accuracy and self-improvement.

How do you get an accurate sense of self and be the best version of yourself? Work and health are two avenues that take you right there. When we get sick or our job is tough, it chips away the self-image we try to maintain. Who are we really? Can we get well? Can we do the job better? And what tools or training (therapy or medicines) will we need to improve? Virgo attracts crises, small to large because that’s what helps us grow. And they teach us patience, tolerance, and devotion – more Virgoan qualities.

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Yes, Virgo does have a deep obsessive need to get and set things right. Sometimes, adjustments are needed to make things better. Other times, nothing is “wrong,” and there is nothing to fix. Virgos are learning many things, but let’s get back to the motivation to develop an accurate sense of self. This accurate sense of self has nothing to do with right or wrong. It’s the self that simply is – pure and whole unto itself.

Virgo reminds us that we don’t have to be different from how and what we are. The purification process is not about cleaning something up that’s dirty. It’s about filtering out anything external to get to the pure nature of what something is. As ruler of the small intestines, Virgo is in charge of deciding what to absorb, assimilate, and release …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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