What Happens After a Spiritual Awakening? (Answered) | Aglow Lifestyle

Going through a spiritual awakening is often a deeply transformative experience.

It is a time when old patterns and conditioned ways of being fall away, and a new way of interacting with yourself and the world becomes more apparent.

But what’s life like after a spiritual awakening and once the experience has passed?

Understanding what happens after spiritual awakening can help us make the most of our journey towards spiritual growth.

What happens after a spiritual awakening?

Although spiritual experiences can differ from person to person, there are some common themes in what happens afterward.

Some of the most common effects are:

1. You will feel more empathic

After experiencing a spiritual awakening, you will likely feel a greater resonance with others and a higher sense of empathy.

This is because the heart chakra opens up after a spiritual awakening, leading to an awareness of the connectedness between yourself and others.

You will realize that we are all one, and this will resonate with you on a deep level, leading you to value others as you value yourself.

2. Your intuition will be stronger

Your intuition is the voice inside you or the gut feeling you sometimes get when you know something is right or true.

This part of your consciousness that becomes stronger after a spiritual awakening.

After experiencing a spiritual awakening, some people experience a strong knowing that they must leave their job, move to a new city, or start a new relationship.

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This can be a confusing time as you may have insight into things that your mind cannot yet grasp or understand.

You may feel compelled to follow this inner voice without understanding why.

If you listen closely, you will gradually start to understand, integrate, and follow these messages.

Always listen and follow your intuition because it is your inner guidance.

3. You’ll see that nothing is “real.”

After a spiritual awakening, you may realize that there is no “real” reality.

Everything that we think to be true or real is actually just an illusion.

It is like a dream that we are having while we are awake.

You may feel disorientated or overwhelmed by this realization.

This is because everything that you once believed to be true was abruptly taken away by this insight.

The good news is that eventually, you will come to understand that even though the reality is an illusion, this doesn’t mean that YOU are an illusion.

YOU are still there.

The world is still there, it’s just that the way you perceived yourself and the world was inaccurate, and sometimes things aren’t always as they seem.

4. You will forgive those who have hurt you

If you have experienced a spiritual awakening, you will likely be more aware of the pain that others are experiencing.

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Because of this increased awareness, you will be more likely to let go of old grudges and resentments.

As you see that others are hurting on some level, you will be more likely to forgive them.

Forgiveness and letting go of grievances are important parts of spiritual growth and will play a key part in your spiritual journey.

You are much better off forgiving those who have hurt you and letting go of old grudges because holding onto resentment is a poison that will keep you from being happy.

5. You will be more open to synchronicities and signs

After a spiritual awakening, you will become more sensitive to synchronicities and signs.

Synchronicities are instances where you see some sort of sign or pattern, such as seeing 11:11 on your clock or seeing the number 22 in many places.

These are not just coincidences.

They are actually spiritual signs that are being sent to you to help guide you on your way.

Maybe the synchronicity is inner guidance, or perhaps it’s a message from the spirit.

These repeated patterns will get stronger and more intense after your spiritual awakening, so pay attention to them and follow the guidance that they provide.

6. You’ll feel connected with nature and the universe

Many people feel a deep connection with nature and the universe after their spiritual awakening.

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You may wish to spend more time outdoors by going for a walk in the woods, going camping, or sitting outside and watching the stars.

You may also feel a strong connection to animals, and as a result, may want to become vegetarian or vegan.

This is because you have a deep understanding that everything in the natural world is alive and conscious.

You will also begin to feel a deeper connection with the universe and see that we are all one, and therefore you will want to detach from things of this world such as money or material possessions.

Embrace your new self, your new life, your new awareness, and the universe.

What to do after a spiritual awakening

1. Give yourself time and space to adjust

After a spiritual awakening, it’s normal to feel a bit disoriented.

You will have likely experienced a shift in your perspective, and the world around you may seem different.

Give yourself some time and space to…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in aglowlifestyle.com. All the rights of content are owned by aglowlifestyle.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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