What To Do When Your Soulmate Doesn’t Want You

Finding a soulmate is genuinely one of the most beautiful things in the world. 

Your soulmate knows you better than anyone else, and they mirror your soul. 

This is why there’s an instant connection with a soulmate you just can’t ignore from the minute you meet them. 

However, a soulmate connection isn’t always perfect, as there are instances where your soulmate doesn’t want you. 

Unreciprocated love is difficult enough, but a soulmate rejection feels even worse. 

In this article, we’ll be discussing the things you should do when your soulmate doesn’t want you.

Understanding Soulmate Rejection

Understanding soulmate rejection

The thing is, people won’t always reciprocate your feelings and unfortunately, this goes even for your soulmate. 

Similar to twin flames, soulmates often cross paths for a divine purpose. 

So you didn’t just meet your soulmate to be together or fall in love, but you could also have met to learn a specific lesson. 

Also, not everyone is on the same path as you, and that’s one of the most common reasons for a soulmate rejection. 

So when your soulmate doesn’t want you, it’s not always something you should take personally. 

Remember that a soulmate connection is one of the most powerful things you’re ever going to feel, so it will be overwhelming for the both of you. 

In order to understand the nature of a soulmate rejection, you can’t take it personally. 

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It’s highly possible that your soulmate rejected you because of how great and powerful a soulmate connection is. 

Although it’s not as powerful as a twin flame connection, it’s still stronger than your average relationship. 

So your soulmate may push you away because of this and be in denial of what you have. 

Maybe they sabotage anything good and worthwhile they have in their life, or they want you to believe that what you have isn’t real, even if it is. 

If your soulmate is this way, they’re not on the same level of personal growth you are. 

Lastly, a soulmate rejection could also occur when they’re already in an existing relationship. 

Even if what you have is nothing in comparison with their relationship, there’s nothing you can do but let them come to the realization on their own.

What To Do When Your Soulmate Doesn’t Want You

1. Accept it

The primary thing on what you should do when your soulmate doesn’t want you is to accept they don’t want you. 

They don’t feel the same, so stop trying to change their minds. 

The best thing you can do is to accept the situation for what it is. 

Your soulmate clearly isn’t ready to be with you and can’t commit. 

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The earlier you accept this harsh truth, the better. 

We know how difficult it is to accept a soulmate rejection, but these things are all part of life. 

Your soulmate just isn’t on the same level of personal growth as you or is busy denying the connection you evidently have. 

You need to accept that this is the case. Even if you are soulmates, it takes two for a relationship to work. 

❤️ Related: What to Do When Your Soulmate Leaves You (A No BS Guide)

2. Let your soulmate be

when your soulmate doesn't want you

When someone doesn’t feel the same way or doesn’t want to commit to us, our tendency is to try and change their minds or control the situation further. 

However, you need to give your soulmate space and let them be. 

It’s not your responsibility to change your soulmate’s mind or make them choose you. 

If they want to keep denying your connection or keep sabotaging what you have, let them. 

It’s easier said than done, but it’s necessary that you let them be. 

You can only help them grow, but you can’t force them to do so when they’re just not ready. 

A soulmate connection is so powerful that it really is possible for one to be in denial and to run away from that connection. 

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After all, it is a divine relationship. 

So when dealing with a soulmate rejection, you need to let them be, even if every fiber of your being tells you to chase them. 

3. Stop trying to chase them

It’s always a difficult feeling when your soulmate rejects you, but you need to stop trying to chase them. 

Again, it’s not your responsibility to do so, and it’ll only make things harder for the both of you. 

Chasing them will only make it harder for you, so it’s essential that you let them. 

Even if you want them to choose you and commit to you, there’s nothing much you can do if they aren’t ready. 

Your soulmate is on an entirely different path than you or doesn’t feel the same way. 

It’s time you accept the facts rather than force someone who isn’t ready. 

As beautiful and extraordinary as being with your soulmate feels, not everyone will be ready to handle this. 

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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