2021 will be a year of nurturing old wounds and emerging victoriously after a long period of struggle or challenges. In this reading, you will discover in depth details of what the new year has in store for you.

The Celtic Cross is one of the most popular tarot spreads. It offers a look at the bigger picture at a situation. For this reading, we are taking a look at what lies ahead for us in 2021. After such a strange, uncomfortable, eye-opening, year for many of us, we can now look forward to new beginnings and starting fresh in 2021.

This tarot card reading provides a general overview of the year ahead and what we can anticipate to experience in the new year. In this reading you’ll discover:

  1. What tensions, obstacles, or additional energies you’ll experience

  2. Past influences on the new year

  3. What qualities to focus on improving in 2021

  4. Hopes and fears

  5. The likely outcome of 2021

I know we’re all ready to say goodbye to 2020 and hello to a fresh start in 2021. Continue reading below to see what 2021 has in store for us!

2021 Celtic Cross Reading

Our Present State: Wheel of Fortune, Reversed

Reversed, the Wheel of Fortune indicates that things have come to a standstill, or, perhaps, closure. Be aware whether you are trying to resist fate. Anything you are trying to avoid now will come back to haunt you in the new future. Consider the immediate and long-term effects of your actions.

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In numerology, the number 10 symbolizes growth and repetition. When the digits are added together, the number reduces to 1, the number of unity, beginnings, and power. The Wheel of Fortune is always turning. It is the circle of life in which pieces of ourselves and our lives are destroyed and created anew. The Wheel of Fortune is associated with Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion.

Tensions, Obstacles, or New Energies in 2021: Six of Wands

Six of Wands is the result of managing to survive the constructive competition and chaotic energy of the Five of Wands. In the uncertain environment of the Five of Wands, your talents were put to the test, your skills were refined through trial and error, and your fortitude was revealed. Through these unprecedented times, you created new ways of being in the world, interacting in your family, job, or community.

In the Six of Wands, you see a figure who has emerged victorious from a struggle or some kind of battle. The Six of Wands can indicate a new level of mastery, one that is being validated by those around you. Your achievement or victory likely benefits many people and earns you wide support, respect, success, and validation. Your efforts have paid off and you can enjoy the benefits of success in 2021.

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In numerology, 6 symbolizes harmony, integration, and passivity. You will experience intimate harmony and integration with another person, cause, ideals, or beliefs. You are humbled by this experience and become “passive” in the sense of getting out of your own way to openly receive the gifts of love. Six of Wands is associated with Jupiter in Leo, validating that you are able to get through times of darkness and challenges. You are also the light in the dark for others, helping them see their unique spark when they are blind to it.

Foundation or Subconscious Influence: Nine of Swords

Due to the unprecedented times 2020 has brought upon us, you still may feel caught up in anxiety, stress, insomnia, and panic going into 2021. Remember that this is completely okay and understandable. 2020 was not anywhere near what you had expected going into a new decade. Your fear or anxiety might still feel amplified, or you may be dwelling on past failures. Try your best not to let your negative thoughts and emotions cloud your vision of the current situation. Do everything you can to get grounded and feel connected to yourself again.

In numerology, 9 symbolizes meditation and completion. This is a reminder that meditation is an important grounded technique to feel more connected to your higher self, just like The Hermit in the Major Arcana. Nine of Swords is associated with Mars in Gemini, indicating you may feel like you’re moving a thousand miles an hour, mentally, emotionally, or physically with whatever is consuming you. Take some time to find ways to ground yourself at the start of each day to help pave a smooth path for the day ahead.

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Past Influences on the Present: Seven of Cups, Reversed

Reversed, Seven of Cups affirms your composure and your ability to resist fantasy. You may be offered a momentarily tempting opportunity for money, status, or intimacy, but you are able to read between the lines and favor a more realistic path.

In numerology, 7 symbolizes spirituality and tests. Remember, you are filled with and driven by a spiritual purpose, and you can cleverly navigate the tests and challenges that crop up along the way. Seven of Cups is associated with Venus in Scorpio, meaning it will be a time of intense passion and intimacy.

Top of Mind Considerations: Four of Cups

The Four of Cups can indicate a time…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in thehippielifeofriley.com. All the rights of content are owned by thehippielifeofriley.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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