Astral Projection Guide For Beginners

Astral Projection Guide For Beginners | How To Astral Project

What greater way is there to learn about spirituality than to literally become a spirit and have experience in the astral planes? 

You are a spirit once you leave your body, and you’re neither material nor observable in the physical realm.

Spiritual growth through astral travels isn’t something impossible to achieve for normal people like you and me. 

In fact, it is easier than you may think, and more than 50% of people on the planet experienced it at least once in their life (most of the time unintentionally and unknowingly). 

In this article, I am going to give you an easy, step-by-step astral projection guide, which works most of the time, even for complete beginners

We are going to talk about the advantages of using astral projection, the different techniques you can use, the differences between lucid dreaming and out-of-body experience, and discover few other interesting facts about this fascinating power that we all have. 

So, are you ready to wake up in your own dream and discover your hidden psychic abilities? 

Great! Let’s start from the beginning. 

What is Astral Projection?

Astral Projection can be best described as a sensation of being disconnected from the physical body and stepping into the spiritual world, also known as the astral dimension or astral plane.

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Many people who experienced astral projection describe it as the ability to consciously get out of the body and experience something profound that doesn’t have a comparison in the physical world.

What some people call consciousness or soul is known in this plane as the astral body.

Astral travelers very often use certain projection techniques to expand their consciousness in multiple ways (for example, telepathy or traveling clairvoyance) and visit the astral plane.

The astral plane is like the space or dimension between our world and the next, where many spiritual phenomena take place.

The astral planes are split into the lower, middle, and upper ones.

Astral travel or astral projection is the capacity that every human being has – in fact, we do it almost every night, but unfortunately, many people still consider dreaming and everything that happens during sleep as unimportant.

Most of us “wake up” in our astral bodies after we have shed our earthly body, residing in the unique astral plane in which the material vibrates at the same intensity as the material of our astral body.  

Astral Projection Image

Is Astral Projection Real?

Yes, it is. From the scientific point of view, there are countless researchers who, since the 17th century, have dedicated their lives to discover a methodology that explains astral travel and other similar out-of-body experiences (OBE).

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There is evidence from Ancient Egypt that dates back about 5,000 years, which shows that Egyptians painted images of the sleeping body (Ka) and the spirit (Ba) floating beyond it.  

We also know that a form of lucid dreaming known as Dream Yoga was practiced by Tibetan Buddhist monks at least 1,000 years ago.  

Of course, other scientific studies deny the authenticity of this experience, saying it’s a mind trip related to brain defects.  

However, just a quick search on Google or YouTube can reveal thousands of people talking about their astral projection experiences, and there are many groups dedicated to the topic on social networks. 

But if you really want to know what ordinary people like me and you think about astral projection in 2020, you might be interested in checking out a recent article published by the digital magazine Vice, where authors shared experiences of people who use astral projection to take a break from COVID-19 quarantine and lockdown! 


Astral Projection Technique for Beginners

I am going to start by letting you know that you are already astral projecting every night, but you simply don’t remember any of it! 

The truth is that everyone astral projects, but not everyone does it consciously.  

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Before I give you a beginner-friendly and easy to follow technique for astral projecting, let me tell what you can do to increase your chances of having your first astral projection (or 1st lucid dream) experience by 80%: 

  1. Develop a sleep routine that works best for you. Go to bed at the same time every day and get some quality sleep every night so that you are never tired when you go to bed. 
  2. If you currently don’t remember any of your dreams, start a dream journal. Before you go to bed every night, set an intention, and say to yourself: “I intend to remember all of my dreams tonight!”. Place your dream journal right next to your bed and write down your dreams right away, upon awakening. Practice your dream recall every night! 
  3. Perform daily reality checks, where you say to yourself aloud: “Am I dreaming now?” and then test the reality around you (for example, try to fly or read something twice). This technique is highly recommended by Stephen LaBerge…

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