Blending Relationship Energies with Reiki

Article by Nivedita Bhosale

Our lives are implicitly woven in relationships, dating back to our birth and many spiritual practitioners can relate, when I say that relationships exist even beyond the physical being. Establishing warmth and oneness in the many opportunities that are presented in our lives is something that we all seek. Every relationship is an energy, that we have chosen as part of soul contracts and those relationships present themselves when our soul is ‘ready’ – which means our energies are now in sync with that energy and feel drawn towards it emotionally, sexually, mentally, desirously to fulfill their(relationship)purpose.

Children are great relationship builders. They operate from the core consciousness which is love, acceptance, peace and giving. Hence you may find children are adaptable in changing environments. To explain how children adapt, I would like to give a small example. Due to certain situations, we have been moving our house yearly from one suburb to another, which meant choosing a new kinder for my son in a new suburb. He hit every new place with excitement, curiosity and hardly took a day or two to acquaint himself in his new kinder, make new relationships with his teachers, friends. Being a spiritual teacher, appreciating the effect one’s consciousness has on everything becomes seamless.

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However, the challenge comes when as grown-ups we encounter unknown facets in relationships and find it hard to get along. Before I knew Reiki, I was skeptical how it heals something that is in between any two people. Practicing Reiki over a decade, I have been able to see the benefits of relationship healing in my own marriage, and for many other clients whose lives totally changed after healing so much so that they chose to be Reiki practitioners.

Blending Relationship Energies with Reiki

Image by mohamed_hassan

I will share a few teachings as applied to romantic relationships.

It starts with dating and draws further into romance, and deep commitment leading to marriage. We put our best foot forward and make every effort to keep the relationship lively. As relationships are living energy, we exchange energies and auras, see strengths and weakness in each other’s personality more clearly. Depending on our beliefs of what we think is right or wrong, we start judging each other. This causes the love to be suppressed. In any relationship, when the two beings are in tune with each other’s hearts, the energies flow freely bringing comfort and understanding between each other. If one of them is vibrating higher than the other, there happens to be congestion or stimulation of the heart chakra. In such case, the lower vibrating person may become hostile, and as a reaction the higher vibrating one becomes resentful. This is a vicious cycle due to clogged energies and heart chakras being out of sync. The relationship starts going through turbulence of power/fear/resentment.

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As soon as this problem is identified, start healing by flushing out the negative,…

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