Shiva and Shakti – Union of Divine Energies

Shiva and Shakti Divine Union Painting

Absorbed in our daily rush and busy lives, we often forget to connect with the divinity within ourselves.

Yes, there exists a balance of divine energies within each one of us, we only have to recognize it and manifest it.

If you have ever been to a yoga practice, you may have learned about achieving calmness and balance through meditation.

But did you know that there are divine energies constantly in play within your soul that helps you achieve this balance?

How exactly these divine energies came to be within us mere mortals, is what you are probably wondering.

Let me paint you a little picture.

Imagine a time billions of years ago, when the earth did not exist. All that was there was a huge cosmos filled with divine energy.

According to age-old tantrism, this was the time when the divine masculine, also known as Lord Shiva in Hindu mythology, and the divine feminine, revered as Goddess Shakti, formed a divine union.

From that union, creation began, the earth was born, mountains were created, rivers began to flow.

Okay, now you are thinking, that was billions of years ago, but how do these energies affect humans of this era?

Well, that is what I am going to show you through this blog post.

Read on to know more about Shiva and Shakti, and how the nature of their energies and their union affects people like you and me. 

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Shiva – The Divine Masculine

The Hindu Mythology portrays Lord Shiva as a male God, with a trident in one of his hands, and dreadlocks, from which the river Ganges is believed to have originated.

He is represented as a character who is forever meditating among the remotest mountains of the Himalayas, known as the Kailasha Parvat.

He is the embodiment of all things masculine and symbolizes consciousness, calmness, determination, purpose, and direction.

Within the concept of the Chakras, Shiva is known to be present in the Sahasrara Chakra, or the Crown Chakra.

He is the one who sits silently and observes the world and is unchangeable in his outlook.

Lord Shiva in Deep Meditation

In traditional Hinduism, Lord Shiva is also looked upon as the God of Destruction.

This does not mean that he will destroy you!

It only means that he has the divine masculine energy to take apart the created world when the earth needs re-cleansing and re-birth.

But even Shiva, with all his purpose and consciousness and annihilating powers, cannot re-create or rebuild without the help of his eternal consort, Goddess Shakti.

Let us now learn more about Shakti herself. 



Shakti – The Divine Feminine

Shakti is, as you must have guessed by now, the female God, or the divine feminine, who is also Shiva’s eternal partner. Shakti is typically portrayed as a beautiful woman in a silk garment with dancing steps.

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“Shakti” in Indian languages means power and when you look at her image, you will know why.

She emanates positivity, vibrancy, and is always full of life. In the Hindu scriptures, she is represented as a strong woman who creates, nurtures, and replenishes the world.

When you look at her traditional idols, you will notice either a lion or a tiger accompanying her. This alone is enough to tell you that she is fearless and energetic.

Shakti Parvati Durga Goddess

The Goddess Shakti is represented as a mother who cares for her children and is ever-ready to fight all kinds of demons and ill-omens that could be potentially harmful to her offsprings.

Known by hundreds of other names, such as Durga, Parvati, Kali, and Prakriti, Goddess Shakti lives in the Muladhara Chakra, commonly known as the Root Chakra.

Now you probably realize why Shiva chose her as a consort. If you are still having trouble picturing Shakti, just imagine a gorgeous woman with infinite warmth and love, but not one that you would like to cross. 

Shiva and Shakti Twin Flames Energies

Now that you know a little bit about the characteristics of Shiva and Shakti, let us dig a little deeper into the nature of their energies.

More importantly, I think you would much like to understand how these two energies can be identified within yourself.

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In tantric ideology, Shiva and Shakti are metaphysically involved with each other through a tantric union, which is much more than just a physical union of a man and a woman.

When Shiva and Shakti are united in a person’s body, the process gives rise to Kundalini or the Serpent Goddess. This Goddess is the dormant feminine power located at the base of the spine and causes an intense rush of energy.

Further, this union enables the mind to go into Samadhi, which is the highest state of meditation.

Shiva and Shakti energies are both present in human beings and the balance between them is what helps us emerge victorious through all the worldly pain and miseries.

This balance is depicted in Hindu mythology as a character that is half Shiva and half Parvati, named Ardhanarishvara.

Picture a human form that is…

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