Each Major Arcana Card Explained | Astrology Answers

It seems there is a growing interest in tarot and tarot card meanings these days as the mysterious underground arts are coming into mainstream society. Before you get a tarot reading, it’s good to understand what the tarot can offer you and how helpful it can be. Learning tarot is almost like learning a new language (but tarot is not as hard as that – thank goodness!).

It can be life-changing to have a tarot card reader look at cards and tell you intimate details about your deepest feelings and wounds. Who wouldn’t be amazed by that, right? What can be even more inspiring is learning the meanings of the cards and developing a relationship with tarot that will allow you to bridge the gap between your mind and soul so that you can always go to the deck to get guidance on the best possible perspectives and actions to take in your life.

Tarot helps us take responsibility for our actions and intentions. It helps unlock our intuition on the best course of action to take to fulfill our hearts desires. It helps us see when we stray off course and helps remind us to call on our spiritual guidance when we feel lost.

Tarot Readings are Fun & Helpful, But What Do The Cards Mean?

The cards use colours, symbols, and archetypes to type in the passcode and unlock your higher state of awareness. Within each card is a special combination that opens up streams of consciousness that can heal different parts of your psyche. Because each person experiences love, growth, change and spiritual realizations, the cards are designed to speak a universal language of the soul. The soul is pure energy and responds to the emotions conjured in the pictures. It opens a dialogue between you and your soul so you can interpret messages that heal you.

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Each of the 78 cards in a tarot deck is designed to show us our power whether it’s by exposing a false fear or awakening us to our intuition. They relate to the emotions we are generating in the main areas of our lives and show us where we are wise and where we can use more discipline, intuition or love.

Before We Get To The Meanings, Do You Know The Difference Between Major Arcana & Minor (Lesser) Arcana?

When a major arcana card comes up it represents a major life change or a moment that is a turning point for you. Whether it’s a new way of thinking, a career change, a new relationship, or discovering a spiritual gift, you can see when major shifts are affecting you so you can make sense of intense emotions or at least be at ease with the process. The elements that can help us stay strong in the midst of major change are depicted in the cards to help us hold our power and stay in the light amidst a storm.

The minor arcana are about the smaller day to day life events that reveal the momentum we are creating. We can get glimpses into the direction our subconscious is moving and make sure it’s pointing us towards where we want to go. We can see the arc of the past, present, and future we are creating so we can drop our fear and lower vibration distractions to align our daily habits with our highest calling. This means our words, the way we make money, our emotions, and our creativity, which are the 4 symbols of the minor arcana.

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Major Arcana

The major arcana are the key points on a journey, beginning with the Fool and ending with the World, which each person can relate to on an emotional level regardless of what their journey is. It speaks to the development and growth of the soul through our experiences. We can learn how to use both masculine and feminine energy so we can maneuver spiritually while being in the physical world.

Minor (Lesser) Arcana

The 4 symbols or suites also represent the 4 elements. Pentacles represent Earth and Earthly things, so when these cards come up it usually relates to money, how we use it, and how we get it. Swords relate to our fears as well as our words and the power they carry, either negatively or positively, to create. They relate to the element of Air. Wands relate to the element of Fire and represent our creativity. They show us when we are using our gifts or not, starting a new skill, or are really successful with one. Finally, Cups represent the element of Water and reveal our emotional states and how we can use our emotions to generate energy.

What Does It Mean to Draw a Major Arcana?

Each major arcana card represents a new level of awareness in your life that is linked to some type of change. It’s a significant and noticeable change that feels more significant than other things. The major arcana cards are usually the most memorable parts of our lives that shape us and allow us to learn the biggest lessons. They help us extract meaning from major life events in a positive way.

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When you draw a major arcana card, the meaning also depends on where it shows up in your spread. While the card meaning stays the same, if it shows up in the future position it means that’s where your energy is projecting, but if it comes up in the past position,…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in astrologyanswers.com. All the rights of content are owned by astrologyanswers.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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