How to Create a Powerful Digital Vision Board: 5 Easy Steps

Creating a vision board can be a powerful way to visualize your dreams and desires and get into the ideal mindset to manifest your goals with the Law of Attraction.

But what if a traditional vision board making session with magazine cutouts and Pritt stick just isn’t your thing?

And what if you quite honestly don’t have the time… or you consider yourself too lazy to put in the time? (no judgment here!)

This is where creating a digital vision board comes in!

how to make a digital vision board

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What is a vision board?

First of all, what exactly is a vision board?

A vision board is typically a board full of images and words that help you visualize your dreams and desires.

The idea is that the actual creation of this board, and just looking at the board itself, can get you in the right mindset and help you to embody the feelings associated with having your desire.

turn ideas into reality board

If you’re familiar with the Law of Attraction (if not, you really should be), the process and final outcome of creating a vision board can be a really powerful tool to manifest your goals.

And for this reason, you might have seen the words “vision board”, “dream board” or “manifestation board” more frequently as others start to recognize their value in manifestation.

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But the problem that not many people seem to talk about is that creating a typical vision board isn’t for everyone.

And by that I mean, not all of us consider ourselves the creative type or want to invest a lot of time creating a vision board that we’re happy with.

For the more perfectionist types (*raises hand*), creating a vision board by hand can actually be a frustrating process.

Because when things don’t go exactly how you want them to, or when you get glue all over your nice new desk, there isn’t an edit > undo option.

dream on vision board

And if the process is frustrating, that really defeats the entire purpose of the vision board process.

Frustration isn’t exactly beneficial to manifestation.

But thankfully for those of us who might turn our noses up at the very thought of sitting down for a heavy cut and stick session, we live in a digital age. 

So before you cancel the idea of vision boards altogether, let’s talk about the magic of a digital vision board instead!

The benefits of a digital vision board

A digital vision board is a great option if, for whatever reason, you don’t want to create a traditional vision board.

Here are some reasons you might want to give one a try:

  • More room for mistakes if you’re a perfectionist: unlike your traditional vision board, a digital vision board has the advantage of endless editing and reshuffling until you get that “perfect” result that you feel represents your vision
  • Can evolve as your vision changes: as your dreams and desires change, you can edit your vision board to reflect this. Gone are the days of creating an entirely new board when your current board no longer aligns!
  • Save on supplies: creating a digital vision board can be…
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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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