10 Feng Shui Bathroom Tips That Will Cure Bad Chi

INSIDE: Use these feng shui bathroom tips to make simple changes in your home so that you can enjoy more positive energy in your life. You’ll be so thankful you did!


Bathrooms are a place where we start and finish our day. And its design, whether we consciously acknowledge it or not, can play a big role in setting the tone for the day to come.

Research published by Research Gate has shown that simply being in a nicely decorated space can have a positive effect on our wellbeing and mental health.

A feng shui bathroom is much more than a place of routine. It’s a pleasing space, aesthetically elevated thanks to the smart use of design and decor.

If this is your goal, here’s everything you need to know about creating one for yourself…

Benefits of Using Feng Shui in a Bathroom

In Feng shui, the bathroom resonates with the water element. It represents a place where we rinse the body and cleanse ourselves from bad energy.

It’s also a place where we eliminate anything that doesn’t serve us, including waste and toxins, and because of this, bathrooms are not considered to be the most auspicious places in home.

Although these areas accumulate a lot of unwanted energy, the truth is, we can do a lot to turn a bathroom into a sanctuary.

Because water represents the flow of energy, the bathroom becomes a place where positive energy and luck can get “washed down the drain.”

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Using feng shui principles can help prevent this and tone down the foul energy stored in the bathroom. With the right use of the five elements, we can create a harmonious, peaceful environment.

This ancient practice helps restore balance, turning the bathroom into a more relaxing space. When it becomes aesthetically appealing, we are able to enjoy every step of the hygiene routine.

Once we start enjoying our time in this area, we will directly raise the vibration of the space, and stop positive energy from leaking away. When feng shui rules are used properly, a bathroom can even become a place that helps heal bad energy in the home.

Smudge Sticks

Feng Shui Bathroom Colors for Creating a Balance of Elements

What makes the bathroom so unique is the predominance of one feng shui element, which is water.

In order to create a harmonious environment, it is important to tone down the intensity of it, and we can do so by choosing the right colors. The color of tiles, wallpaper, towels, fixtures, and bathroom furniture can play a big role in making it more tranquil.

Colors To Stay Away From in the Bathroom

As blue shades and black represent the water, these are the colors that can create even more energy drainage.

This will “drown” positive energy, accumulate negative energy, and drain our vitality, particularly if the bathroom is facing north, which amplifies water even further. 

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If your bathroom is already predominant in these colors, what you can do is add red carpets or decorations to counteract the predominant water colors.

Red and orange represent fire elements, which is in contradiction to water. However, this shouldn’t be overdone, especially in South-facing bathrooms, as too much fire can create a conflict of energies.

Fire is purifying and has the power to energize us, which is why it is welcome in the bathroom, where energy is heavy.

Colors To Use in the Bathroom 

All of that being said, the best way to raise the vibration of your feng shui bathroom is to add more wood, earth and metal elements.

Since the bathroom is considered a dirty area where we come in to get rid of impurities, metallic colors, such a grey or white are a perfect choice.

These colors represent purity and clarity, and inspire a sense of lightness and calmness.

Metallic, bronze and gold details, which also belong to the metal element are also believed to bring in more positive chi into the bathroom.

The earth element is connected to the colors beige, light brown, and sandy shades. In contrast to fire, water feeds the earth and makes it more fertile. It corresponds well with the wood element, which represents brown and green.

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These are considered to be auspicious colors, as the earth element helps ground the energy but also provides necessary nourishment. This makes the bathroom less draining and more relaxing of a space.

The same applies for wood. Wood colors are green and brown, and they represent vitality, health, and growth. Incorporating this element by choosing these shades for the bathroom will help create a little spa in your own home.

These are colors that, in combination with wood and water, can not only cure the space, but make it a more healing one as well.   

Wooden bathroom furniture, ceramics, and marble elements are a great way to bring more positive chi into the space, and it will help attract abundance and prosperity, even in the bathroom.

Feng Shui in the Bathroom

Useful Feng Shui Bathroom Tips

We can make small but effective adjustments in the bathroom to create good feng shui energy in the home. Here are some tips to help you do that…

Keep it Clean

Because this specific area…

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