6 Dark Empath Traits & Astonishing Characteristics

You’ve likely heard about empaths, but have you heard of dark empaths?

These are people who have the sensitivities of an empath, but they also possess some very dark traits.

A dark empath is someone who can feel the emotions of others, but they do nothing to help, even if they are able to.

In fact, they use their gifts to their own advantage rather than to help others.

In many instances, you could compare a dark empath to a narcissist.

They possess many dark traits, including psychopathy and Machiavellianism.

Today we are going to take a look at the six most common dark empath traits.

That way, when you meet these people, you will immediately be able to see them for what they really are.

What is a Dark Empath?

A dark emapth

Like the classic narcissist, a dark empath has a huge sense of entitlement and superiority.

This is a person who will use their gifts for the exploitation and manipulation of others.

So, how can someone with these traits be considered an empath?

They have empathetic talents. They just don’t use them to benefit anyone but themselves.

Oddly enough, dark empaths do have the ability to be compassionate and kind.

They can connect with people on an emotional level.

But, more often than not, the dark empath is seen as being a cold person.

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This is because they are usually unable to hide their darkest traits.

There are some who theorize that there is actually no such thing as a dark empath.

They consider the idea of a dark empath to be just that, an idea or theory.

The theory is that some empaths are narcissistic and dangerous, hiding behind a mask of kindness.

In other words, rather than being empaths, they are sociopaths.

Obviously, any empath is going to get frustrated on occasion, and they may question why they are being kind to some people.

But, this happens to all of us at times.

No matter how positive our intentions are, there are going to be times when we don’t act accordingly.

Those who do not believe there are actually dark empaths out there feel that to call someone this can cause them to feel shame.

But, when does a narcissist actually feel shame in the first place?

On the other hand, there are those who do believe in the dark empath and know that this is a narcissistic person who will do whatever it takes to manipulate others, in the guise of being helpful.

Dark Empath Traits and Characteristics

woman expressing the dark empath traits

Everyone has a dark side, but not everyone has the same characteristics as a dark empath.

It is said that about one-fifth of the world’s population are dark empaths.

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But, it may simply be that some people show their dark sides more than others, and they are not truly dark empaths.

Let’s take a look at the seven main dark empath traits and characteristics.

Keep in mind that everyone has some of these traits, and not everyone who has a couple of the traits are not necessarily dark empaths.

If they have three or more of the traits, then it is quite likely that they are indeed dark empaths.

1. Dark Empaths are Extroverts who Exploit Others

The dark empath is a very social type of person.

They have what is known as open behavior, and have great social skills.

A dark empath is not one to shy away from letting people know what they think, even if it sounds mean or hateful.

They will openly express their views of others, no matter what anyone thinks.

This is not a person who is going to be a pushover.

Rather, their dark characteristics cause them to be the ones who push others around.

When most of us think about empathy, we think of people who are kind and caring, and who take on the emotions of others.

A dark empath has what is described as cognitive empathy.

Basically, this means that they are able to socialize and understand how others feel.

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But, instead of being understanding, they exploit these feelings in others.

A dark empath can easily express their inner thoughts, thanks to their exceptional social skills.

They often explain their perspectives, at length, just to hear themselves talk.

But, not all extroverts can be characterized as dark empaths.

It isn’t a good idea to wonder about friends who are extroverts.

Chances are they aren’t actually dark empaths at all.

On the other hand, if you know people who are extroverted, and who will jump at any chance to manipulate others, it is a good sign that they may be dark empaths.

2. Dark Empaths Have a Thirst for Power

a dark empaths thirst for power

One of the dark empath traits you may not be surprised to see.

But let’s face it, we all like power and would like to have lots of it.

There is a difference though, between enjoying power and having a true thirst for power.

A dark empath has an incredibly strong thirst for power, and they will jump at any chance to grab it and use it to their advantage.

This is a person…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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