Your February 2023 Energy Forecast Shows How Will be Your Month!

Let’s take a look at February 2023 Energy Forecast, friends! This month is the perfect opportunity to embrace the collective energy of freshness and rejuvenation in order to bring balance and harmony into our lives. This month’s celestial shifts offer us a chance to open ourselves up to abundance, to delve deep into our souls on a journey through numerous dimensions of our existence. Let us take advantage of this season to take control of our destiny and bring our dreams to life.

February 2023 carries a special numerology – one that is associated with faith, miracles, and wisdom. This month is dubbed the “Number Nine” vibration, a powerful force that promises to bring prosperity and joy to all. With this energy, we can expect to witness a renewed sense of purpose and a heightened level of self-belief.

The energy of 9 also holds the magnetic rhythm and vibrations of:

  • Universal Love
  • Fulfillment and magic
  • Divine and infinite potential of the Soul
  • Spiritual awakening
  • Completion, perfection, and karma

February 2023 Energy Forecast : What to Expect Astrologically?

Feel the energy of the universe this February as you open yourself up to spiritual growth. With no planets in retrograde, this month is a cosmic green light to make your dreams come true. Expect some tests that will challenge you to stay open and honest, but the shifts in the celestial skies promote gentleness, reflection, magic and truth-seeking. Embrace this unique opportunity to take a leap forward and find closure on your journey.

As we awaken to a new month, our capacity for soul expression and spiritual integration grows. We may sense subconscious turbulence from upcoming cosmic events, but their messages call us to step away from the past and be fully present in the moment.

This month, the Sun, Uranus and a Full Moon bring us an influx of energy and a chance to take the first steps toward new beginnings. The Third Quarter Moon in Sagittarius offers us an opportunity to let go of any anxiety and restlessness, and embrace a lighter energy that brings faith, peace and patience for what’s ahead.

Slow down, pause, and take time to listen to your inner voice. Allow yourself to dream big, without fear or worry. The energy you create within yourself will determine the direction of your life; make self-care a priority this month. Be proactive and clear your space of any negative energies. In the long run, this will only bring you greater benefit.

February 3: Sun-Uranus Square

Upgrading the Etheric Body

On Friday, February 3rd, the Sun clashes with Uranus, the “Great Awakener,” bringing sudden surprises and significant opportunities for growth. Uranus recently moved direct, and this square provides a chance to surrender to change. It’s a time of heightened creativity, innovation, and a shift from carbon-based consciousness to crystalline energy.

However, this aspect can also bring up frustration and anger, exposing deep-rooted trauma and issues with self-expression and intimacy. But if we can push through the internal tensions, we can reap the rewards over time. On the same day, Ceres, the asteroid of grain and nourishment, goes retrograde, inviting you to go inward and nurture yourself with love and acceptance. Let Ceres’s gentle and soft energy help you reconnect with the parts of yourself that have been neglected.

February 5: Full Moon in Leo

Understanding the Nature of the Soul

On February 5th at 12:29 PM CT, the Snow Moon arrives full in Leo, 16 degrees. This is a powerful moment to celebrate the culmination of your previous New Moon intentions. Oppositions of the Sun and Moon at 180 degrees form the Full Moon, signifying balance, closure, and manifestation. With the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Leo, you are encouraged to connect with your highest self and discover your soul’s purpose. Celebrate this moment of magic, and honor all expressions of yourself.

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The current astrological influences call for you to break through old barriers with discipline and trust. As the Full Moon clashes with Uranus after mingling with Mars and Jupiter, and then opposes Saturn at 26 degrees, you’ll need to summon endurance and patience to access a higher level of understanding. These emotions are deeply connected to the past and reveal karmic themes that seek healing and closure.

Take this time to reconnect with your inner child and creative side. Stop waiting for someone else to permit you to shine and own your light! True blessings come from living with an open heart and embodying gratitude for your place in the world. Take this opportunity to align with the current energy and unlock the potential of your soul.

Overall, the Full Moon in Leo is a powerful invitation to embrace your unique gifts, talents, and abilities. This is an opportunity to shine brightly and express yourself authentically. To help you stay grounded and connected to your worthiness, use sandalwood and neroli essential oil this Full Moon. These fragrances will help promote grounding and self-love – allowing you to fully step into the power of your own unique light.

February 7: Mercury Leaves Post-Shadow Period

On February 7th, Mercury, the planet of communication, ends its post-retrograde shadow – the perfect time to reflect on the insights, lessons and messages from the retrograde period. Review any decisions and actions and consider if any adjustments or revisions need to be made.

Mercury retrograde is an opportune time to recalibrate our internal messaging systems to a higher power. In the last year, we have been able to identify and reconcile historical patterns and distortions in the mind and body relationship – a powerful step towards a new and more expansive path full of Universal wisdom.

February 11: Mercury Enters Aquarius

Focusing on Group Ideas & Principles

On Saturday, February 11th, Mercury shifts gears and enters progressive Aquarius, offering an opportunity to explore different dimensions, perspectives, and perceptions of reality. This is your invitation to liberate yourself from outdated and historical ways of thinking, communicating, and perceiving the world.

With Mercury in Aquarius, you can expect divine downloads and high-consciousness breakthroughs that will free you to explore the depths of your inner being. Use this time to open your heart and mind to divine love and to the radical transformation that comes from it.

Now is the time to tap into the power of Aquarius and to use the energy of this transit to upgrade your understanding of the world around you. Allow yourself to experience something new and different, and you may be surprised at the level of insight and understanding you can find.

February 15: Venus-Neptune Conjunction in Pisces

Self-purification & Compassionate Acceptance

When Venus meets Neptune in Pisces on February 15th, it unlocks a gateway to our imaginations and enhanced artistic inspiration. We can take this opportunity to lead with our hearts and align with our divine purpose by eliminating doubt and confusion.

This astrological event draws us closer to the beauty of arts, music, painting and poetry. It urges us to take comfort in spiritual connections and transcendent moments – but be wary of escaping reality through unhealthy means. Instead, open yourself to the spiritual flow that brings harmony, bliss and healing. Leave your frustrations at the door and enjoy the unique, powerful energy of this astrological event.

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February 16: Sun-Saturn Conjunction

The Sun is entering a new cycle with Saturn on February 16th, bringing a unique opportunity to explore your potential and discover the power of discipline, responsibility, creativity, and maturity. This is a significant cosmic event, as the Sun will not meet Saturn in Aquarius for another 28 years.

Saturn in Aquarius has been a karmic teacher for the world this past year, helping us learn valuable lessons about inner strength and resilience. If you want to be successful in the future, it’s important to practice self-discipline, perseverance, and commitment.

The energies of this transit can be both serious and sobering, but also offer a chance for personal growth and realization. As this cycle unfolds, remember to express your emotions openly, and use this time to reflect on who you are and who you want to become.

February 18: Sun Enters Pisces

Say goodbye to Aquarius season and embrace the final stage of the zodiac journey- Pisces! On Sunday, February 18th, at 4:30 PM CT, the Sun moves into the subtle and magical watery depths of Pisces. During this time, the veil thins, making us more sensitive to the psychic vibes of the universe and deepening our connection to spiritual wisdom. Pisces season is an invitation to dive beneath the surface of life and explore the world of imagination; to trust our inner journey, surrender to change, and awaken to a new sense of possibility.

This is the time to be gentle with yourself, reflect on the transformative periods that have passed and make space for your own creative expression. The weeks ahead will likely be scattered with anticipation, but it is the moments of pause and presence that will help us ride the current and raise us above the tide. Let go of the need to control and allow your intuition to lead the way. Celebrate the power of Pisces season!

February 19 and 20: New Moon & Venus Enters Aries

This February 20th at 1:06 AM CT, a magical New Moon at 1 degree of Pisces begins a brand-new lunar cycle of infinite possibilities and pure wisdom. As the darkness of the Moon draws the last cycle to an end, we now have an opportunity to manifest something new in our lives. While planting fresh seeds, we are able to access the spiritual growth that comes with integrating the energies of Pisces.

At the same time, Venus, known as the planet of love, beauty and romance enters Aries – setting up the perfect conditions for expressing these qualities of ourselves. By opening our hearts and minds, we can discover even more profound levels of love and connectedness than before. Even in the face of fear and doubt, the New Moon and Venus in Aries invite us to embrace our power and let our light shine bright.

February 22: Sun Conjunct Fomalhaut

Formalhaut is one of the four celestial guardians of the heavens, said to rest at the four corners of the Universe. According to ancient traditions, its presence marks the beginning of a new cycle of spiritual growth and cosmic gateway opening. At this time, the luminous light of the Sun conjuncting with Formalhaut will help to energize the mind with insightful creativity and connect the individual to the profound mysteries of the Universe. Embrace this moment, for it is a time of great spiritual awakening.

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Energy Tips for February 2023

This month, the Oracle Card “Soul Retrieval” is here to bring you deep Soul healing and spiritual restoration with the help of the Goddess Isis. February’s planetary shifts offer you the perfect opportunity to call back all parts of yourself from this lifetime and others and give yourself back to yourself.

It may be a quiet month, but it grants rest and nourishment on all levels for your deep healing journey. Reclaiming your power and owning your light will be vital to replenish your life with new vitality and experiences.

Focus on giving back to yourself and take time each evening and morning to do a swift and thorough psychic and spiritual cleansing. Let the power of the Goddess Isis guide you in your journey of self-discovery and healing.

How to Make Productive Use of February’s Energies?

  • Begin February with a renewed commitment to extend love and care to yourself. Cherish yourself by taking the time to practice self-care, delve into the depths of your feelings through journaling, and spend time engaging in activities that bring you joy. Make this February a month of self-love, as it’s the most important one there is!
  • This month offers a chance to take stock and renew ourselves, so why not take a moment to reflect on past relationships? Take the opportunity to identify and let go of any harmful patterns or negative emotions that may be preventing you from moving forward. Open yourself up to new experiences and see where the upcoming season will take you.
  • Practicing forgiveness and gratitude can be a powerful way to send love and light into our lives. Take some time to meditate on letting go of any grudges or resentments you may have, and focus on expressing love and forgiveness to yourself and others. Once you have done this, take a moment to practice gratitude by either writing down or sharing the things that you are thankful for. This can help to soothe your soul and energize your spirit.Allow yourself this time of reflection to create a calmer and more balanced mindset. It can help to promote healing and connection while promoting a sense of well-being and peace.
  • Embrace change and use it as an opportunity to create new rituals for your daily routine. Incorporate activities like burning incense, lighting candles, chanting mantras, or stretching to help increase your focus and bring awareness to the present moment. A new, embracing attitude towards change can be a great way to bring a sense of calm and positivity into your life.

Discover the power of embracing February’s fresh-flowing energy and furthering your understanding of your Soul’s purpose. This month, allow yourself to trust in your spirit and strengthen your connection with the Universe. By consciously making choices in this present moment, you can reclaim control of your future, paving the way for new experiences and opportunities. Put an end to inner conflict and discover newfound peace and bliss in your external world. Let February be the month you reconnect to your true self and make choices that will align you with your highest destiny.

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