Feng Shui Water Element Crystals for Creating Balance & Flow

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In feng shui, the water element represents flowing, gentle energy.

Think of water gently moving through a stream, bending and flowing around any obstacles in its way, and you’re thinking of the water element!

In feng shui, it also represents good fortune, money, and luck!

In fact, the meaning of feng shui is wind and water, which is representative of how energy flows throughout your home.

Adding feng shui water element crystals to your home is a great way to add the water element without actually adding water.

This is especially helpful if you need to add the water element to a certain room, like your bedroom, where a fountain or aquarium would disrupt energy or isn’t practical.

feng shui water element crystals (aquamarine towers)

Feng shui water element crystals are crystals that are in the blue and aqua color family, and also crystals in the black and dark grey color family.

Crystals that are rounded or soft in shape are also part of the water element, so choose feng shui water element crystals that are spherical or tumbled to best represent this element!

The following is a list of feng shui water element crystals and a brief description of their meanings.

This isn’t an exhaustive list, so if you have crystals that are in the blue/aqua/black/grey color range, they are also water element crystals!

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Because the feng shui water element is a strong element, you don’t need a ton of feng shui water element crystals to balance your space.

Just a few will help – in fact, too much of the water element can create a little too much flow.

Think of “watering down” energy, or how a waterfall or turbulent ocean can cause disruption, and you’ll understand how you can have too much!

Related Post: Feng Shui Water Element (Everything You Need to Know!)

various water element crystals - blue agate

Feng Shui Water Element Crystals & Their Meanings:

Blue Feng Shui Water Element Crystals

Blue crystals relate to the higher chakras, usually the third eye chakra and/or crown chakra. They help with connection, insight, and opening your energy to communication with your higher self and the Divine. All of them also help with peace, tranquility, and flow!

Aquamarine – clarity, creativity, courage, and relieving stress

Amazonite – speaking your truth, balancing feminine and masculine energies, and releasing worry and fear

Blue Fluorite – serenity, self-expression, insight, and organization. Also helpful for students!

Turquoise – purpose, tranquility, wisdom, and living your truth.

Apatite – growth, manifestation, achieving your goals, and personal power.

Blue sapphire – hope, loyalty, mental focus and power, inner vision, fulfilling your destiny

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Celestite – uplifting, cleansing energy, connecting with a higher power, sharpens mental abilities

Kyanite – logical and rational thought, communicating with the higher dimensions, balancing energy, clearing stress and confusion

Lapis Lazuli – inner truth, intuition, spirituality, connecting with your spirit guides, transcending the past

Sodalite – intuition, self-esteem, confidence, self-awareness, creating order out of chaos

Larimar – serenity, relaxation, tranquility, clear communication, connecting to Goddess energy and wisdom

Chrysocolla – creativity, luck, good fortune, manifesting your dreams, calming emotional turmoil

Blue Calcite – calm, inner sight and psychic development, amplifies learning abilities and strengths

Black Feng Shui Water Element Crystals

Black crystals are associated with the root chakra, and all of them have grounding and protection abilities in addition to their other meanings! These crystals can all help purify and cleanse energy too.

Obsidian – balance, removing emotional blocks and limitations, introspection, prevents negativity

Black tourmaline – eliminating toxic thoughts, protects against EMFs, stability and security

Onyx – healing old wounds and traumas, helps with stress and grief, aids with self control and determination

Hematite – balancing masculine and feminine energy, self-confidence, willpower, self-esteem, courage

Black moonstone – intuition, new beginnings, possibilities, changing your life

Blue tiger’s eye / hawk’s eye – making good choices, helps attract a new job, clarity, releasing stress and worry

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Tourmalinated quartz – transmutes negative energy, clarity of thought, unblocks energy, helps remove inner conflict

Shungite – detoxes energy, purification, great for shadow work, protects from EMFs, relieves stress and anxiety

Black amethyst – divine connection, replenishes energy, helps with transitions and change

Smoky quartz – transmutes energy, helps with getting your life in order, helps with negative thinking and confusion

crystal grid with feng shui water element crystals

Where should you place feng shui water element crystals in your home?

Feng Shui Career Area

The feng shui water element is most helpful in your home’s career area….

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in peacelovefengshui.com. All the rights of content are owned by peacelovefengshui.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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