How To Know If Someone Is REALLY Your Soulmate? 21 Signs

Finding your soulmate is probably one of the most extraordinary things to experience in life.

Your soulmate is there to support you on your path in life. You have a deep understanding and connection with your soulmate, and things just feel right. 

But, there will be times when you think someone is your soulmate, and they are actually not.

I am sure you have been caught up in all the new and exciting feelings with someone!

So, how do you know if it is real or not? How can you tell if someone is your soulmate?

Thankfully, there are some incredible signs that someone is your true soulmate, and I want to go through these signs with you today. 

What Actually is a Soulmate?

Before we dive into the signs of someone being your soulmate, let’s remind ourselves of what a soulmate really is. 

A soulmate is someone you have a deep connection and understanding with. You get them, and they get you!

The relationship is defined by respect and equality. You support each other, and they are your biggest cheerleader!

A soulmate is someone who totally accepts you, from your bad habits to your weird hobbies.

You can be yourself with your soulmate, and things just feel right. 

Soulmates differ from twin flames, as soulmates are two distinct souls who have an incredible connection.

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Twin flames, on the other hand, are two halves of the same soul. 

Are Soulmates Real?

how can you tell if someone is your soulmate

If we haven’t met our soulmate yet, we may start to doubt the existence of soulmates.

But they are completely real!

Trust me, I have witnessed the power of soulmate connections time and time again. 

The term soulmate may differ from person to person, and that is totally okay.

This is because we all are individuals and need our own specific things from our soulmates.

But, this doesn’t mean soulmates don’t exist.

They just are different for everyone!

Now let’s get into the 21 signs that reveal if someone is your soulmate.

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How Do You Know If Someone Is Your Soulmate? 

Have you met someone and are wondering, ‘how do I know if he is my soulmate?

If so, let’s look at the 21 biggest signs that this person is in fact your soulmate!

#1. You are totally comfortable around them

A huge sign that you have met your soulmate is if you feel at ease around them.

When we are dating people, we tend to put on a bit of an act. This is totally normal as we want to present our best selves to our partners!

However, a soulmate relationship is a little bit different. You may feel the need to put on an act at first, but once you get to know them, you soon realize that you don’t need to. 

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When you have met your soulmate, you feel completely relaxed and comfortable in their presence.

You don’t feel the need to dress up or change yourself when they come round.

You act just like you do by yourself because it feels as if they are a part of you. 

You know they are your soulmate because being around them just feels natural. You know you don’t have to hide anything. 

#2. You can hang out with them for ages 

Group of Soulmates holding hands

I am sure you have been there. You are dating someone, and you spend a few days with them and them.

You just need alone time. You need to relax by yourself and recharge your energy. 

When someone is your soulmate, you don’t really get this. You can hang out with them for ages, and it doesn’t feel weird or tiring. 

Being with your soulmate feels totally natural, and spending lots of time with them just feels right! 

#3. You feel safe around them

When you are having a bad day and your special person makes the worries disappear, you know they are your soulmate. 

Your soulmate seems to calm you down when you are upset simply by being in your presence.

A hug from them will ease any anxiety you have, and their kind words allow you to see things more clearly. 

See also  How To Find Your Soulmate (Here's What You NEED To Know)

Feeling safe around someone is a huge sign that they are your soulmate.

They are able to dispel any fears and concerns you have by just being around you. 

#4. You are best friends

Being best friends with your partner is a really important part of a relationship.

If someone is your soulmate, you enjoy their company on so many different levels.

There is a sexual and romantic connection, but there is a deep friendship, too.

When you have met your soulmate, you get on like best friends. It sometimes feels as if you have known them for years! 

You laugh and joke with them and enjoy experiencing new things together.

You don’t always have to be romantic with each other, you can get on like friends, too. 

#5. You feel respected and understood

A true soulmate will always respect you and listen to you. They will want to hear your thoughts…

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