Read Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for February 6 – 12, 2023

If you’ve been captivated by the unique and compassionate nature of Aquarius, you won’t want to miss out on the exciting events of this week! Get ready for a week full of surprises and fun as Aquarius brings the best out of all of us.

As Aquarius season begins, the movement of the stars presents us with an opportunity to do things our own way. With Mercury, the planet of thought and communication, entering this eccentric sign on the 11th, the week ahead is wide open for us to forge our own path.

The spirit of Aquarius is all about being independent and going against the grain, so this is the perfect time to take matters into your own hands. Before you create your game plan, why not consult the Tarot for guidance? See what the stars have in store for you and make the most of this unique moment!

Weekly Tarotscope for February 6 – 12, 2023


Queen of Wands (Reversed)

This week, Aries may find that their independence and confidence are challenged. With the Queen of Wands reversed, it’s possible to feel drained quickly and struggle with self-doubt.

This situation might appear to come out of nowhere, but it’s important to focus on the present and future, rather than trying to understand why it’s happening. Consider where you’d like to be in the future, and take steps towards your goals.

With the right approach, you’ll be able to overcome any difficulties and move forward with confidence.


Knight of Swords

Taurus, this is your week to seize the initiative and get things done! With the Knight of Swords in your sign, you have the energy and motivation to take on a multitude of tasks and achieve amazing results. This is an ideal time to take action on all those tasks you’ve been putting off, as you’ll be able to tackle them quickly and efficiently.

Additionally, this is a great week to use the power of your words to your advantage. Speak your truth and engage in open dialogue – communication is a powerful tool that can help you succeed this week. Don’t be afraid to use your voice to get what you want!

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The Emperor (Reversed)

This week, Gemini faces a battle between their self-confidence and their leadership capabilities. The Emperor reversed hints that you may be feeling the urge to shrink away from the spotlight, not wanting to take up too much space. But the truth of the matter is that you are capable of achieving whatever you put your mind to — if you can get your mind and actions aligned.

To make confident moves, you must start from a place of confidence. This week, take the time to quiet your mind, assess your strengths, and focus on your ambition. With a little self-belief, you can take charge and lead with confidence.


3 of Cups (Reversed)

This week, the 3 of Cups reversed is a reminder that Cancer may be struggling to express their true self and feelings to their loved ones. This can be incredibly frustrating and emotionally draining.

However, the good news is that with a bit of patience and forgiveness – both for yourself and your loved ones – this period of disconnect will eventually pass. You will be able to reconnect with your loved ones and laugh about this difficult time later. Don’t give up hope and keep striving for meaningful communication.


Ace of Wands

Leo, take advantage of this week’s Ace of Wands, a ray of sunshine that brings new ideas, opportunities, travel, and passionate dialogue. Whether you experience one or all of these elements, be sure to stay alert — these fleeting opportunities can come and go in the blink of an eye. Keep your mind open to the possibilities that come your way, and you’ll be sure to unlock some amazing doors this week.


9 of Swords (Reversed)

Virgo, it’s time to declutter your mind and let go of any negative thought patterns and anxieties that have been clouding your thinking. Your perfectionist streak may have been holding you back from achieving your goals and manifesting your dreams. It’s time to take a hard look at what’s really an issue and what might be something you’ve imagined.

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This week, it’s time to do some mental spring cleaning, and to be honest with yourself about what’s really bothering you and what might be just a figment of your imagination. It won’t be the most fun task, but it’ll be a productive one that will help you move forward in life.


10 of Cups

It’s time for Libra to sit back and bask in the rewards of all the hard work they’ve put in. These fruits of their labor are far more meaningful and rewarding than any material possessions. With the 10 of Cups, Libra is aligning with their ideal long-term self and lifestyle, and the inklings of that future are already starting to show up.

So take some time to appreciate the emotional and intuitive rewards that come with the 10 of Cups. True joy, love, and happiness come in many forms and can’t be bought with money. To get into the spirit of the 10 of Cups, why not write a list of all the things you’re grateful for in life?


Ace of Swords

Scorpio has a powerful disposition this week and the Ace of Swords is here to help! It’s time to brainstorm, break through barriers, and communicate clearly. Take the opportunity to express yourself and get your thoughts in order. Tap into the ideas and inspiration that are circulating in your mind and trust yourself to make something of them.

It’s time to put pen to paper, brush to canvas, or share your ideas in whatever way you choose. Now is the moment to be present in your thoughts and make something great happen!


7 of Pentacles

As a Sagittarius, this week you’ll be focusing on the practical and abundance-focused questions, seeking plans and ideas for your future. The 7 of Pentacles shows that while it may not feel as actively productive as other times, planning and staying curious is just as much of a part of the process for making progress. Take some time to slow down and contemplate this week – it may do wonders for your career and finances!


Wheel of Fortune

Capricorn, are you ready to take a daring leap of faith? The Wheel of Fortune is calling upon you to do just that, so don’t be afraid. This week holds some unexpected surprises that might seem mysterious at first, but don’t be alarmed. Keep your eyes open for any potential synchronicities and trust that each event is happening for a purpose, even if it isn’t clear yet. Embrace the unknown and take a leap of faith!

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5 of Swords (Reversed)

If you’re an Aquarius, this week may be full of inner conflict as you struggle to determine which path to success is right for you. The 5 of Swords reversed may suggest that you are feeling the pressure to take shortcuts or make decisions that would compromise your integrity in order to get ahead.

Remember, no reward is worth sacrificing your dignity. As you make difficult decisions, ask yourself if it’s really worth the cost. Success doesn’t have to come at the expense of your core values. Remain true to yourself and trust that the right path will eventually reveal itself.


3 of Wands

This week, Pisces may find themselves ready for more adventure and expansiveness than usual. The 3 of Wands shows that you’ve already taken the necessary steps to open your heart to the seemingly impossible, and now you’re ready to move forward. Look out for signs, synchronicities, and rewards from the Universe this week, as they may be a sign of something greater to come! Be patient and open to the possibilities, for this week could hold the promise of something truly special.

An Important Reminder…

Aquarius season is a time to use your unique gifts and talents to benefit not just yourself, but the collective whole. This sign is all about authenticity and caring for the collective good. With your Tarotscope in hand, take a moment to think about how the cards speak to you specifically. How will you use your individual gifts to bring about positive change in the world this week? What meaningful action can you take to help bring about the collective good? Make Aquarius season a time to think deeply and act authentically.

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