Sei Hei Ki: Get to Know It, Practice Using It

Learning the symbols and committing them to memory isn’t always straightforward. Some are complicated and it can be confusing remembering what symbol does what.

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Sei Hei Ki is a high vibrational symbol that works on releasing the mental and emotional blocks that inhibit our energy flow. This symbol means ‘the earth and sky meet’ or ‘man and his creator become one’. You can think of this as the conscious and subconscious, the light and the darkness, or any duality that represents the two extremes of the same thing coming together for healing.

The energy of Sei Hei Ki is gentle – and it needs to be – working on releasing emotional and mental blocks can be a difficult process. The vibration of this symbol is one of unity and strength enabling us to see the cause of our blockages and giving us the fortitude to let go and start afresh.

You can use this symbol in conjunction with other symbols in a layering style or sandwiching between Cho Ku Rei, for example, to focus the Reiki energy where it is required.

Sei Hei Ki is one of the simpler symbols, consisting of three parts. In order to help you learn this symbol, you’ll find a meditative practice below that walks you through drawing the symbol, committing it to memory and then tuning in to the Sei Hei Ki frequency so you can feel the specific energy of this symbol for yourself.


Meditation Transcript:

This is a meditation style practice for getting to know the Sei Hei Ki symbol in Reiki. If you haven’t committed the symbol to memory yet, have a copy of the symbol nearby so you can refer to it as we proceed.

Get comfortable and close your eyes if you wish.

Sei Hei Ki means ‘the earth and sky meet’ or ‘man and his creator become one’. It is a balancing symbol and in particular, brings balance to the mental and emotional aspects of ourselves.

The symbol is broken down into three parts, working left to right.

On the left, is the first line which is a mixture of straight lines and curves, then to the right of that is the second line which is a long curve, and thirdly, the curve gets two hats or bumps on the righthand side of the curve.

Mentally draw the first line with your mind’s eye. Straight down, then straight to the right, curve back around then a short line down then go right. Finally, this line finishes with a long curve down.

Now the second line, one long curve, starting at the top. Then, add two hats.

Now say the symbol name ‘Sei Hei Ki’.

Repeat the process again.

Start with the first line. Straight down, then straight to the right, curve back around then a short line down. Head right, then finish with a long downward curve.

Now the second line, one long curve, starting at the top. Then, add two hats.

Say the symbol name ‘Sei Hei Ki’.

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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