5 Remarkable Spiritual Reasons For Waking Up At 3am

Do you seem to wake up at 3am every night?

Perhaps it happens like clockwork, you get stirred from your slumber and you look at the clock, and it is 3am again. 

You may be shaking it off as a coincidence, but honestly, coincidences don’t really exist.

Everything happens for a reason in the world, and so, there is a reason why you are waking up at 3am every night. 

In this article, I will look at the general spiritual significance of 3am and then go on to examine in-depth the reasons why you may be waking up at 3am. 

The Spiritual Significance Of 3am

Spiritual Significance Of 3am

You probably have heard of the phrase the witching hour.

It is an old-school folklore expression that refers to the time of night where the veil between this world and other worlds is thinnest.

It is called the witching hour because our ancestors believed that this was the time where witches, ghosts, and all sorts of ghouls would head to earth and cause disturbances!

A lot of experts believe that the witching hour is between the hours of 3 to 4am.

Now, you may not be waking up to a witch at the end of your bed, but I think it is pretty interesting how so many people do wake up around this time of night. 

So, there definitely seems to be a bit of history around this time of night, and certainly a spiritual significance.

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This time is when our world is interacting with higher realms of existence, and therefore allows our souls to travel through different realms.

It also means that our spiritual guides and angels can travel to earth, too! 

5 Remarkable Spiritual Reasons For Waking Up At 3am Every Night

Spiritual reasons for waking up at 3am every night

Now we know the general spiritual significance of 3am, we can look more in-depth at the meaning of waking up at 3am and discover why this is happening to you. 

1. Angels and Spirits Are Sending You Messages

One reason why you might be waking up at 3am every night is because of your guardian angels and spirits. 

Because this is the time where the veil between this world and other worlds is thin, our angels and spirits are more likely to enter this universe.

We all have guardian angels and spirits guides, even if we haven’t really met them. They often send us messages discreetly, for example using numbers

When we are sleeping, our day-to-day inhibitions are gone, and therefore, our minds are more open to receiving messages from otherworldly beings.

When we are awake, we will often shrug off spiritual messages and try to rationalize them. This is not necessarily a bad thing, it just is how we are brought up! 

However, when we are asleep, we are more likely to accept the messages that we are receiving.

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Because of this, our guardian angels and spirits will often send us messages in our sleep. 

Don’t worry if you can’t remember straight away what the messages are! In time, you will realize what they are and how you need guidance in your life.

You may also want to keep a pen and notepad handy at your bedside, in case you can remember anything your angels and spirits told you. 

2. You Are Coming Back From The Astral Plane

The astral plane is a level of existence that is beyond the physical. We will often travel there in our sleep via our astral body and meet guiding spirits.

We might not be able to remember it when we wake up, but a lot of people do practice astral projection while awake.

This is often called an Out of Body Experience, as it is when something of us (our soul or mind) detaches itself from our physical body. 

Astral projection is heavily linked to dreaming and sleep, specifically REM sleep. REM sleep is the deepest sleep, and this is where our brains are most active.

This usually happens in the early hours of the morning, just before 3am. 

When our astral body comes back to our physical body in this world, we may get a jolt.

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This can wake us up and maybe one of the reasons why you are waking up at 3am every night. 

3. Your Soul is Awakening 

waking up at 3am meaning

As I mentioned before, sleeping is really a big spiritual tool. This is where our inhibitions have gone, and our minds are open to new ideas and phenomena.

Because of this, our soul is very lively during sleep. 

What exactly a soul has long been discussed. Nobody really knows, but one thing is for sure – there definitely is something more than what we directly experience.

When we are sleeping, our souls will begin to awaken. We will begin to find a connection to higher realms of existence and other souls in the universe.

Because of this, we may find ourselves waking up.

4. We Are Connecting With Higher Realms of Existence

Because our soul is awakening when we sleep, we are more in tune with higher realms of existence in the universe.

We are more likely to link with souls that have departed from this world and exist in other realms. 

This can be an exciting but…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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