Weekly Tarotoscopes November 21 – 27, 2022

Ready or not, we’re embracing a week of Fire, passion, and action. And why is that, you may wonder?

Sagittarius energy was rolled out slowly starting last week, with Venus and Mercury both entering the sign of the wild archer. But this week, the Sun itself will be moving into sweet Sagittarius energy.

That’s right — Sagittarius season is here, starting on the 22nd! Plus, with a New Moon in Sagittarius happening right after on the 23rd, the stars and planets are being completely lit up with this passionate, philosophical, and optimistic energy.

Of course, it can still manifest differently for each person and zodiac sign. We’re all unique, after all! That’s why we check in weekly with the Tarot to see what the cards have in store for us too.

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for November 21 – 27, 2022


5 of Wands

Aries has a knack for sometimes finding themselves in the eye of the storm.

The 5 of Wands is that storm for the week. Right now, it may seem like everything is moving a mile a minute, and there are many people with their hands in the mix with 100 different motivations at play.

Not much is in your control right now, and the chaos is easily a recipe for conflict. As much as it may be your style to come out on top as the victor, this is not a battle worth fighting.

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Keep your nose out of the crossfire this week — and that’d be the real win.


8 of Cups (Reversed)

Taurus needs to move on from something but seems resistant to let go.

The 8 of Cups hints that you know deep down what you need to move toward. Sometimes this involves a leap of faith, leaving behind comfort and familiarity, or simply saying goodbye to old memories and habits of the past.

Familiarity isn’t always home. The 8 of Cups is emblematic of this lesson, but its reversal indicates that steady Taurus may be having difficulty cutting the cord.

It’s okay to find yourself struggling with this, Taurus. But while familiarity may exist where you are, true home will exist on the other side of the door of the unknown.



Gemini, change is afoot!

Death always brings about change and transformation in one form or another. You probably can sense this coming and feel yourself needing a bit more from life lately.

However, it might not be as dramatic as the chrysalis turning into the butterfly, but it could also be something like a subtle shift that has a long-term effect somewhere down the line.

Trust that when Death arrives, it will provide the changes you need, even if they aren’t what you expect.


The Emperor (Reversed)

Cancer, your foundations, and a sense of stability have been difficult for a while now.

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The Emperor reversed continues this trend, highlighting your sense of control and ability to be independent and lead in your own way this time particularly.

At this time, it may feel difficult to take the reins into your own hands, so to speak. Of course, while this hit to the confidence doesn’t feel good, you can rest assured that it’s also only temporary.

With some time and patience, this difficult spell will pass, and you’ll be back to your fully Cardinal self.


6 of Wands (Reversed)

It’s been a rough few weeks for Leo, and this week continues the trend.

Right now is all about rebuilding your sense of confidence and ability to affirm yourself. This is an important week for saying those affirmations, being kind to yourself when you see your face in the mirror, and so on and so forth.

The 6 of Wands reversed isn’t exactly easy, as it indicates recognition of your efforts from the outside isn’t really coming through as you’d like it to.

However, that makes it all the more important to be your own biggest cheerleader for now!


The Hermit (Reversed)

Virgo is going within themselves this week to find the answers.

The Hermit is actually your card, Virgo — it’s a card of wisdom, expertise, and solo research and soul-searching, after all. Virgos are known for their knowing, after all, and your knowledge is well-respected by your peers and loved ones.

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Reversed, you may not be exerting all of this energy outwards right now, though. Actually, this week is all about recollecting and recuperating this energy, self-reflecting, and contemplation.

Find peace within your own mind and heart this week, Virgo, and you’ll be more fulfilled than when you started!


6 of Pentacles

It may always seem like the world is leaning on reliable Libra.

This week, the 6 of Pentacles still asks that you lend your shoulder to those in need, however.

It’s likely that others are in need of your expertise, time, and resources at this time, and the Universe is currently requesting that you consider extending that hand.

It’s important that right now, you do so with good intentions, however, and not out of expectation of reward. At this time, it’s about paying it forward with the trust that this gesture of goodwill will contribute in the way it needs to — even if it doesn’t immediately come…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in astrologyanswers.com. All the rights of content are owned by astrologyanswers.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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