What does it mean when you Fall in Dreams? 9 Messages

When people fall in their dreams, they are quick to term it a spiritual attack or a prophecy about failure. 

However, is that all there is to this dream?

After conducting several kinds of research, I realized that a dream like this has many messages it can bring to people.

Some can be good, while others can be bad.

The events in your dream determine what side of the coin you see.

In this article, you will find the different types of spiritual meanings associated with this dream.

Therefore, read till the end to fully understand what it means to fall in dreams

Is it Normal to Fall in Dreams?

Fall in Dreams in Spiritual World

Falling in dreams is not a normal psychological condition. It is what happens randomly as the spiritual world desires. People have had this experience in the past only when a message was to be passed across.

Psychologists explain this type of dream as traumatic. There is nothing natural or normal in having this type of dream.

When you sleep, your mind is placed in a restful mode.

The images you should have in the dream world should never anticipate you.

On normal occurrences and frequencies, you will dream of sleeping, walking, playing with friends, and so on.

All of these are meant to contribute to a sound sleep

However, once you begin to have more traumatic experiences like falling, it is a message from a higher frequency.

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This situation happens when the universe finds it difficult to get your attention in your waking moments.

When you wake up from a dream such as this, think through the experience, observe how it makes you feel, and open your heart to know what the spiritual realm or your subconscious is trying to say to you. 

What does it mean when your falling in a dream?

Messages from falling in a dream

Spiritually, this has a lot of shades.

We will discuss more on this later. However, when you fall in a dream, the common spiritual meaning is making a mistake.

Now, this message could be revelational or descriptive.

When it is revelational, this means that the spiritual world has sent that dream to reveal the mistake you have made.

In this case, you did not realize that you have made a mistake.

However, if it is descriptive or prophetic as the case may be, it indicates that you will make a mistake in the future – if care is not taken.

Through this type of dream, you can be warned against committing certain blunders.

Additionally, the spiritual world can guide you into precision. The dream of falling spiritually points to losing your way.

This could be caused by a lack of understanding about your destiny, or a deliberate attempt to veer off the path chosen for you by God.

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When you begin to have consistent dreams like this, it might be calling you back to your path.

Also, it could be a major determinant of your self-discovery.

Dream of Falling off a Cliff

Big Cliff

Whenever you have this type of dream, it means that you are not paying enough attention to your life.

In real life, the only reason people fall off a cliff is carelessness.

It is not an easy thing to deliberately fall off a cliff. This is why it can be sent to your subconscious mind as a trigger alert.

This alert makes you super-sensitive and cautious.

Anytime you dream about this, ask deeper questions about your purpose and your life.

In addition to this, observe what you have failed to pay attention to. 

Spiritually, this dream could also signify that you have lost control over certain areas of your life.

Especially when you fell off a cliff because you lost control while running.

It comes to warn you about this.

Every aspect of your life must be within your grasp.

You should never allow things around you to spiral out of control.

This is a very important message.

Therefore, when this dream comes, take advantage of it. Make use of the interpretation to guard your heart, and keep yourself in check.

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Dream of Falling off a Plain

Woman Falling off a Plain

Situations in our lives can spiral beyond our control.

Sometimes, this has nothing to do with our lack of ability and determination.

It might simply be a natural phenomenon or a function of time and season.

For example, losing someone close to us is a situation that has spiraled beyond our control.

The only thing left is to grieve and be courageous enough to move on with our lives despite the scars we have.

If you have gone through a negative situation in recent times, the dream you had about falling off a plane is an encouraging message.

God is telling you to not hold on to the situation for a long time. 

This dream also removes condemnation from your heart.

What does this mean? If you have beaten yourself up for the situation you have suffered, this dream relieves you of that pressure.

It encourages you to not attribute the reason for such a condition to yourself.

Things happen beyond our control. 

What do I Dream of Falling and then Wake up?

Falling and waking up in dreams

This happens because you are scared…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in angelicalbalance.com. All the rights of content are owned by angelicalbalance.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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