Your Weekly Tarotscope for November 7 – 13, 2022

Eclipse season is in full swing — are you ready to face the magic of the Moon?

On the 8th, a Full Moon and Lunar eclipse in grounded, practical Taurus will especially challenge and call deeply into the hearts of those with placements in the sign of the bull.

Financial stability concerns over our foundations and support systems, and confidence within ourselves as creators, cultivators, and nurturers of our lives can be shaken. However, this isn’t a time to fear, as Lunar eclipses merely shed light on the transformations we need most.

Of course, the exact details can vary depending on your personal situations, needs, and star alignments. What changes are on the horizon for you? Let’s see what the Tarot has to say for the week ahead.

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for November 7 – 13, 2022


Ace of Pentacles

Indeed, Aries is focusing on finances and stability and, more particularly, seems interested in planting new seeds of prosperity.

As the Ace of Pentacles hints that the ground is fertile enough to do so, it’s prime time for setting new intentions for you. However, this isn’t about inventing something out of thin air.

We’re dealing with the suit of Earth within the Minor Arcana here — it’s all about what resources already exist and how you can work with them, so don’t jump head-first into action.

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Observe, plan, and wait too.


5 of Cups (Reversed)

Taurus, your focus may feel a bit all over the place right now — but know that it’s okay to listen to your heart.

The 5 of Cups is uncomfortable because it shows us fixating on what is going wrong — your insecurities, areas that cause unhappiness, and missed opportunities and losses.

Reversed, you may feel stuck here, or alternatively, you’re tempted to drop it all and ignore what’s happening in your heart. This is a difficult time for many Taurus folks, and it’s important that you hear out your emotions, even if it’s hard or seems “illogical.”


The Lovers

Gemini, choices, crossroads, and emotions running high are abound.

The Lovers is tied to your sign, so you’re well-familiar with its themes. This energy is playful, communicative, and adaptable, just like you.

In other words, it’s capable of shifting quickly, as its youthfulness and roots in the emotional space tend not to be the most predictable factors in the world. Right now, the energy around you is just like this — shifting quickly.

Right now, the best route of action is to roll with the laid-back, adaptable flow rather than trying to approach conversations and decisions with too much seriousness.


6 of Wands (Reversed)

Cancer, it’s time to be the one to pat yourself on the back.

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The 6 of Wands reversed indicates that you may be feeling like you’ve been putting in much effort to little avail. No one seems to be matching your energy, meeting your effort where it’s at.

Where is the love and recognition for the lovable Cancer? Well, while it seems to be missing from your peers and the external world around you, you may have to be the one to buy yourself flowers and congratulate yourself for hard work well done.


2 of Wands (Reversed)

You’re the captain of the ship right now, Leo.

But the 2 of Wands reversed warns of going overboard. You may want to leap ahead right now, chart the maps, and get your game plan “just right” at this time.

Unfortunately, the seas may not be ready for you just yet. There’s something to be said for the unknown and the strange factor of timing that isn’t exactly meant to be planned nor charted.

While your ambitions are in the right place, don’t plan everything out yet. Patience is key.


King of Swords (Reversed)

Virgo, this is your sign that, yes, you might be overthinking it.

The King of Swords is a mature intellectual; this figure has all the intel and dirt on everything. They’ve got a plan, they’ve got the insight, and they’re the one calling the shots too.

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Reversed, you might be missing one key part in this equation, however. The King of Swords is not actually omniscient — they’re just capable of adapting to new information as it comes, assessing things with an open mind.

You may not be “missing something” this week as you think you are. You just need to remember that it may be more about the joy of solving the riddle versus knowing the answer.

Get more information: Everything You Need to Know About Swords in Tarot


The Hermit (Reversed)

Are you putting up strong boundaries, or is it a shell, Libra?

AKA: The Hermit reversed calls your solitude into question a bit — your contemplation, your quiet hours, your alone time thoughts, whatever you feel falls into that umbrella.

It might be productive, but it can also be the exact opposite when it occurs in extremes. It’s important that you’re not overthinking or potentially creating barriers rather than just standard private time.


Page of Swords (Reversed)

Scorpio, this week will be best served with a slow and…

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