444 Angel Number Meaning

Do you continuously see the 444 number?
You probably see it when you look at the clock and its 4:44, you sometimes notice it on the licence plates of other cars and on various documents.

Your curiosity brought you to this article, because you probably find it hard to ignore this number.

First of all, let me tell you that this is not a coincidence.

Repeated sequences of numbers, such as 444, are believed to be one the major signs of your guardian angels trying to get your attention.

So, let’s just dive deeper into specific meaning of this message encoded into these digits, and how can this help you on your journey.

What Is The Spiritual Meaning of 444?

In spiritual realm, event such as seeing repeated sequences of certain numbers is called synchronicity.

When you approach any seemingly random event in your life with open mind and full awareness, you will realize that they all have special meaning.

First of all, when you repeatedly see 444 Angel Number, it means that you are in the correct place and exactly where you need to be in life.

Powerful energy of this number will ensure your security and protection.

Angels will be showing you many signs in your everyday life.
This is a common practice of angels who will guide and help you to take the right decisions.

Why should you believe in angels and spirituality?

Unfortunately many of us fail to have faith and don’t believe in the real meaning of the 444 Angel Number.

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The people who do not understand that there is a message behind this number are people, who do not wish to unlock their spiritual side.

Keep in mind that unlocking your spiritual side can only help you to go through the life with more ease and flow.



444 Meaning In Numerology

Number 4 represents safety, stability and strength in the field of Numerology.
When you see this number frequently, your guardian angels want you to know that you will be safe and supported along your path.

There are 4 seasons in one calendar year and there are 4 directions we can go: north, south, east and west:
No matter which way you decide to go in your life, you will always receive guidance and encouragement. 

Number 4 also symbolizes 4 elements, which create entire physical matter of our Universe:

What Does The Number 444 Symbolize? 

1. Strong Energy and Influence

444 carries a very strong energy and influence.
You will notice that your energy and influence in life will not only be magnified, but also heightened.

444 Angel Number will allow you to have more stability and it will help you to build a strong foundation in order to reach some of your ambitious goals.

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It also means that you will you never give up and stay very determined in whatever you do.

2. Balance and Security

Number 444 is a representation of your home and its strong foundations.
It will make you feel both warm and calm inside, and provide you with lots of safety and security.

3. Practicality and Responsibility

The 444 Angel Number will help you to tap into being more practical and  responsible in your life.

It will allow you to work in more harmonious manner and it will encourage you to achieve your goals, and transform your dreams into reality.

This number also represents honesty and wisdom.

4. It’s time to turn the tide in your favor

Thanks to the 444 angel number, the tide will finally turn in your favor!
It means that you will no longer continue to swim against the tide and suddenly begin to see things you haven’t noticed before.

You will completely drop the feeling that you are spinning around aimlessly, no matter how hard you try.

When you see this number, you will be able to see where your destination is and get ready to reap the rewards of all the hard work you have put in.

Get ready to go through your life with a sense of power and completely drop the forceful approach. It is going to feel great!

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4. Bad Luck for Japanese and Chinese

In Japan, number 4 is a number that most of the people are trying to avoid.

They feel that the number 4 in their language is pronounced in the same way as they pronounce the word death (shi)

It seems like this superstition was brought to Japan from China (both countries use kanji alphabet) and became popular in Korea and Taiwan as well.

So, if you decide to travel to one of these countries, make sure that you don’t give anyone 4 gifts and don’t be surprised when there’s a 4th floor missing in your hotel!

What To Do When You See 444?

Most important thing to do when you see this number is to acknowledge it, show gratitude and have faith that your life is unfolding exactly as it should.

If you approach 444 Angel Number with a negative mindset, then this number won’t be able to work its magic on you, so just be very open-minded to new possibilities in your life.

Get rid of any feelings of negativity and disbelief when you see this number and accept these…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in 7chakrastore.com. All the rights of content are owned by 7chakrastore.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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