5 Ways to Celebrate Beltane – The Inextinguishable Fire

No matter what’s going on in the world, it can never extinguish the fire of life. In fact, tough times can bring out the best in us if we’re up for the challenge. Beltane, the Celtic fire festival honoring life and the peak of spring, is on May 1. It reminds us that growth is all around us and that we are growing. It may not look or feel like what we’re used to, but the inner fire in each of us is awakening in a new way. And outside, nature is blooming without any hesitation. I named this blog “5 Ways to Celebrate Beltane – The Inextinguishable Fire” because the creative life spark in each of us is indestructible. The form does change, but there is no question we go on.

Beltane is one of my favorite holidays because it’s SEXY! It’s wildly hedonistic and overflowing with passion, creativity, and fun. All the symbols of Beltane are sexy, right down to the ritual way the Beltane fire is lit – by striking two pieces of wood together, rubbing until the sparks fly. This is a celebration of fertility, abundance, sex, and everything beautiful on Earth. Above all else, it celebrates Life.

Beltane embodies nature’s oldest love story – the sacred union of God and Goddess; Masculine and Feminine; Earth and Sky. According to ancient lore, the two have been separated all winter long, and their reunion on Beltane is celebrated with food, drink, and multi-colored maypoles, which symbolize the feminine wrapping itself around the masculine. The world comes alive in color to acknowledge their love.

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Yes, Beltane is about sex and our sexual nature, but that’s just one expression of our ability to birth life. Beltane stands for all the ways we ignite our inner fire to manifest creative forms. It symbolizes conception and its energy supports and encourages bringing your ideas, hopes, and dreams into action. Like Samhain, Imbolc, and Lammas, Beltane is also a cross-quarter festival – a time when the veil between the realms is thin. This is also a good time to communicate with the spirit world, especially nature spirits.

Celebrations of all kinds are taking on new forms these days, but it’s not stopping us from connecting with each other and carrying our traditions forward. Beltane is all about creativity anyway, and just like sex, the same position gets boring. No doubt you know what suits you best, but here are some ideas to get you inspired. I hope you’ll find new ways to celebrate Beltane and the precious gift of life, not just today but every day.

5 Ways to Celebrate Beltane

1. Build a sacred fire and dance around it.

There are lots of ways to work with fire. In the old days, Beltane celebrations included bonfires, but that’s not practical or legal in most cases. So, this is the perfect time for candle magic. You might sing, get playful, even lose some (or all) of your clothing. Beltane is fiery and earthy which means a little indulgence can really get you in the mood. The whole point is to get “turned on,” whatever that means and looks like for you.

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2. Write a Beltane blessing for yourself, your partner, family, or friends.

Words carry our thoughts, ideas, feelings, and intentions. What words would you choose to describe the beauty of nature, the amazing way your body can move and respond to touch, and the joy of creating a life with those you love? If you like to draw, add images or symbols to your words for even more magic. If you’re part of a creative community, you …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SageGoddess.com. All the rights of content are owned by SageGoddess.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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