7 Behaviors Serial Cheaters Display Before Revealing Themselves

Serial cheaters regularly practice infidelity with all their partners. They may be addicted to the thrill, enjoy the validation of being able to “pull” multiple people, or be unable to control their wandering eyes and the temptation of cheating.

People like this often get pretty good at hiding their awful actions, but they share some everyday activities that mean you can spot them if you know what to look for. Serial cheaters display these seven behaviors before revealing themselves intentionally, accidentally, or due to complacency.

1. Serial Cheaters Are Secretive Around Devices

There’s nothing wrong with wanting privacy and having boundaries about that privacy. But there’s a significant difference between reasonable privacy and excessive secrecy. A few warning signs of extreme secrecy are:

Hiding phones, laptops, and other devices so a partner won’t even see them. Saving specific contacts under cryptic nicknames or fake names. Visibly hiding device screens whenever a partner is passing nearby them. Sleeping with devices completely protected by holding them, putting them under pillows, or locking them away. Refusing allows a partner to touch, see, or pick up a device. Lying about calls, messages, and other forms of communication received on devices. Bringing their devices everywhere they go, never leaving them alone for a second.

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Do note that there’s a line here to draw. Some people may be uncomfortable with anyone (their partner or anyone else) seeing what they’re doing on any device. There could be many good reasons why someone has higher privacy needs than others. And some serial cheaters are good at appearing secretive, so you let your guard down, so this isn’t always an accurate sign.

Simply put, your unique relationship determines where the boundaries are. Communication and firm boundaries are essential in establishing what is and isn’t acceptable. A serial cheater will find ways to break boundaries and get around established “rules” in their relationship.

2. They Blame Their Exes For Everything

It’s always a red flag when someone says all their exes were 100% of the problem in their past relationships. It shows a lack of ability to reflect and see the common denominator – themselves! They also thrive in toxic relationships that give them an “excuse” to be unfaithful.

Serial cheaters tend to have a long string of exes, as infidelity is one of the most common reported causes for a relationship’s end. They will likely find a way to blame their former partners for:

Having “trust issues” that made them “crazy,” forcing the cheater to end the relationship Being overly controlling of them by instating boundaries that counter infidelity Being easy to play or being too naïve or gullible, meaning they deserved, to some degree, what happened to them Attraction to “toxic” partners like the cheater, thereby setting themselves up to get cheated on

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Of course, all of those things are not true. In reality, cheaters need to deflect responsibility and blame for their actions onto their exes. If not caught in the act, they’ll call their former partners crazy. If caught, they’ll deflect to reduce the negative implications on their character – or remove some responsibility.

3. Serial Cheaters Don’t Seem Ashamed Of Their Past Infidelity

Many people say, “once a cheater, always a cheater,” and there’s a good reason. Anyone who has cheated once is much more likely to do it again. That’s because of the well-studied effects of cognitive dissonance. To reduce …

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