7 Ways Journaling Can Open Your Mind

Do you know anyone who hoards? They fill their homes to the brim with everything imaginable, and it becomes challenging for them to navigate through these spaces. Sifting through your mind can feel much like this, but you need to find a way to open your mind and clear the clutter. It makes for excellent problem solving.

Journaling is the tool that can help you dig through all the useless things and to rid the toxic stuff. Do you feel like your mind is overloaded and cannot handle one more thing? You’re not alone in these feelings. Technology has caused a great deal of mental clutter, and this chaos negatively affects your physical and psychological wellbeing.

All day long, you’re spoon-fed information. Perhaps you hear coworkers gossiping in another cubicle, or you overhear a news clip about all the troubles in the world. All the things you ingest cause noise and confusion in your mind, prohibiting you from living a more meaningful life.

How Journaling Can Open Your Mind and Facilitate Problem Solving

Thankfully, journaling can help you open your mind, free the toxic stuff, and even be beneficial in problem solving. There are six kinds of mental clutter that you must get rid of from your body, and they include:

  • Negative self-talk
  • Multitasking
  • Worry
  • Fear
  • Guilt
  • Regret
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Which of these are you struggling with right now? Perhaps you need effective ways to deal with all the madness and don’t know what to do. When you sit down and journal, you help to improve your moods and balance your mental wellbeing. Here are some simple ways journaling allows you to be more open-minded.

1. When You Open Your Mind, You Improve Your Self-Awareness

Do you ever wonder what makes you tick? How can you go through this crazy world around you and make it each day? Journaling will help you improve your knowledge of what’s going on inside. It will also help you to become aware of how you’re coping.

Self-awareness is an essential part of being in touch with your mental health. It can be painful to dig deep inside and sort out all this mental clutter. The good news is that once you tear it all out and examine the contents, it’s then that you can put it back together or fix it.

Have you ever received a notice from the water company saying your pipes are leaky? You might not even know that there’s water escaping, but it’s undoubtedly affecting your bill. A plumber goes in with special tools and examines the pipes to find where you’re losing water.

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Journaling is like that special equipment that helps you become more self-aware and identify the issues. When your thoughts and emotions are all over the place, journaling can help you determine where these feelings are coming from and identify and fix the root cause. You’ll be able to open your mind and see deep inside yourself to get to the crux of your issues.

2. The Process of Problem Solving Calms You

Did you have a diary as a kid? When you write the words “Dear Diary” on the paper, suddenly, this book becomes your trusted friend. Journal is the same as having lunch and chatting with your buddy.

You can get all the things off your chest that are bothering you and open your mind to hear other opinions and views. Friends are the best …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in powerofpositivity.com. All the rights of content are owned by powerofpositivity.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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