Tarot and Astrology Mandalas: Part One

I’m a visual person and an experiential learner. This means I learn best when I have something to look at or a hands-on activity. It’s partially because I’m hearing impaired but also: I’m a Gemini. So I like all the bells and whistles. 

One of my favorite ways to absorb astrological information is by creating a tarot-astrology mandala. I like to call it a “tarot astrology mash-up.” It’s easy to do and fun!  (Psst…that chart above is fellow Gemini Kendrik Lamar’s tarot and astrology mandala using the Tarot For Kids deck!)

Here’s what you do:

First, print out a copy of your natal chart.

Next, you’ll want to pull these cards out of your tarot deck:

The Emperor – Aries
The Hierophant – Taurus
The Lovers – Gemini
The Chariot – Cancer
Strength – Leo
The Hermit – Virgo
Justice – Libra
Death – Scorpio
Temperance – Sagittarius
The Devil – Capricorn
The Star – Aquarius
The Moon – Pisces

As you can see, these are Major Arcana cards and each one has an astrological association.

Now, find your planets and other important parts of your chart (ex: Ascendant and Midheaven) and lay the corresponding cards down. If you have more than one planet in the same sign, you might want to have additional decks on hand. Of course, you could also get stickers and use them instead. Here’s a resource for tarot stickers.

Using my chart as an example, I’m focusing on the four things I look at for figuring out a career or life purpose. 

My Sun is in Gemini in the 8th house of joint resources, death, taxes, the occult, and intimacy.

My Moon is in Scorpio in the 2nd house of money and values.

My Ascendant is Libra.

My Midheaven is Leo.

The Sun shows what I’m here to do. The Lovers in the 8th house indicate bringing people together and sharing information, especially about occult matters. 

The Moon indicates what I need to be happy. Death in the 2nd shows profound transformation, especially around how I make a living is essential for my happiness. There is no halfway. It needs to be DEEP (and maybe a bit dark!). Note that the Lovers and Death sit in “money houses.” There are lessons about security, feeling safe, and perhaps changing old dynamics around familial patterns with money.

Next up: the Ascendant. This shows how I am presenting myself to the world and doing the work of my Sun. Justice is concerned with what’s right and fair. It also means a balanced appearance or approach. (Fun fact: these three together show I would have made a great attorney. Once upon a time, I dreamed of being a labor law attorney or what I gleefully called “an anti-corporation lawyer! Haha!)

Swing up to the Leo Midheaven with Strength on top. The Midheaven is about potential but also how the world sees me. So, of course, this card can simply mean I can be a force of calm when others feel afraid. I would say that is true since my mantra for my work is “be prepared, not scared.”

See how that works? Try it with your chart, and remember to have fun exploring! If you like, you can make a copy of it on your computer, print it out, and hang it where you can see it or paste it into your journal. 

I teach this plus other methods in my newest book, Twist Your Fate: Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot. (Psst…we use this method with Dolly Parton’s chart in the book!)

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