9 Spiritual Meanings Of Being Strangled In A Dream

While dead asleep in the middle of the night, you feel someone (or something) crawling closer and closer to you when they suddenly clench their hands around your neck and try to strangle you

You regain your consciousness, question your mortality, and open your eyes just to realize that it was all a dream. 

Well, yes, it was… BUT… it could be A LOT more than just that. 

In this article, we’ll discuss everything from the spiritual and biblical importance to all the different hidden meanings behind this dream. 

So, let’s jump straight into it, shall we?

Biblical Meaning Of Being Choked In A Dream

Biblical Meaning Of Being Choked In A Dream

Being choked in a dream is definitely NOT a good biblical sign

It could mean that you feel extremely guilty and remorseful about sins you committed in the past.

You believe your sins are unforgivable in the eyes of god and that your punishment is inevitable. 

You may also get the feeling that god is angry, displeased, and disappointed in you and he’s going to deprive you of all his mercy, love, blessings, and protection.

Spiritual Meaning Of Being Strangled In A Dream

Spiritual Meaning Of Being Strangled In A Dream

Spiritually, being strangled in a dream could mean a lack of expression

This feeling can be best described as being unable to express your true emotions, thoughts, or ideas and failing to incorporate them into your words or actions effectively. 

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You may feel a sort of restriction or cutback in your heart and mind that makes everything you say or do come off as completely flat.

It may also lead to emotional suffocation, frustration, and feeling burnt out.

Let’s find out more below.

I believe you should read the meaning of violent dreams.

Dream About Being Choked By A Spirit/Ghost

Ghost choking someone

Dreaming about being choked by a ghost may be a sign of spiritual or demonic presence in your surroundings

These entities may have evil intentions and try to harm you with their powers either physically or mentally. They may also exploit your insecurities or weaknesses and strike when you’re the most vulnerable. 

If the dreams are accompanied by frequent dizziness, uncontrollable anger, unfortunate events, seeing shadows, and hearing weird noises such as random taps or knocks then it may further signify the supernatural presence.

Check here the spiritual meaning of ghosts in dreams.

Dream Of Being Choked By A Man

Man choking someone

Although dreaming about being choked by a man is likely linked to a past traumatic experience, it could hold some spiritual significance as well

It may be a sign that you’re currently in a toxic relationship and it’s putting you under a lot of stress, pressure, and insecurity.

You may feel attacked, unsupported, and disrespected by your partner in ways that may be subtle but quite hurtful

See also  Talking To Your Dead Mother In Dreams: 7 Spiritual Meanings

Oftentimes, you may find yourself thinking your life would be much better outside the relationship and having the urge to end things because you cannot tolerate the toxicity in the relationship anymore. 

Dream Of Being Choked By Someone You Know

Woman being suffocated

Dreaming about being choked by someone you know could be a sign of feeling threatened and jealous of your close ones

This may include family, friends, colleagues, relatives, or just people you’re really close to.

You may often find yourself wondering if you had the same looks, finances, relationships, or achievements as them and it sparks envy and evil intention somewhere within your heart. 

This is definitely NOT a good thing and if you think about it – you’re essentially just an enemy in disguise. 

Dream Of Being Trapped and Escaping

Escaping from a terrorist

Dreaming about being trapped could spiritually mean that you’re out of ideas and have lost the ability to solve things or get out of certain situations.

However, dreams involving being trapped and then escaping may signify something a little different. 

It could mean that you know your way around life and know exactly WHAT you want to do and HOW you’re going to do it

Despite being stuck in problems and tough situations, you always seem to make your way out of them, and it’s your unwavering determination and hope that plays a huge role in it.

See also  13 Spiritual Meanings of Menstrual (Period) Blood in a Dream

Also read the meaning of killing someone in a dream.

9 Spiritual Messages & Meanings Of Being Strangled In A Dream

Spiritual Meanings Of Being Strangled In A Dream

1) You’re Dishonest (Even With Yourself!)

If two things had the power to completely destroy your life, they would be suicide (literally destroys it) and dishonesty. 

Not only does dishonesty ruin relationships, self-esteem, and credibility but it subconsciously urges your mind to lie to itself as well.

This makes you lose touch with reality and the truth of your life which can be temporarily avoided but is actually inevitable. 

Remember: He who lies to himself can lie to anyone else. 

2) Negative Energy Is Causing You To Hold Back

Dreaming about being strangled may signify negative energy present in your surroundings which could be…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in angelicalbalance.com. All the rights of content are owned by angelicalbalance.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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