Litha and Summer Solstice : 5 Ways to Be Like the Sun

Summer solstice, also known as Litha, is the longest day of the year, but it’s only the very beginning of the summer months with the hottest weather yet to come. Litha is one of the eight traditional Pagan holidays when daytime energies are at their strongest, radiating mega-doses of vitality and love.

The Sun, seen from an esoteric level, is all about love and wisdom. It’s the primary ray of energy from which everything else is created. It’s the Heart of creation. The Sun never fails to shine, always “rises” to meet us, and sustains life on Earth.

This time of peaking solar energies inspired me to write about Litha and Summer Solstice – 5 Ways to Be Like the Sun!

This year, Litha falls on June 21 – a time when those of us who practice magic speak of drawing down the Sun. This means connecting with prana or life force, both within and without. To draw down or bring out the Sun means harnessing radiant solar energies in order to have the confidence to let yourself shine and be seen. It’s affirming that you’re strong, vibrant, loving, warm, and filled with light.

Litha is the Sun’s day, and the Sun is the center of our solar system. It brings us all back to our center, to our hearts, and the creative source of everything.

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The Sun rules the passionate, creative, and proud sign, Leo. Leo is motivated to share and lead from the heart and become the brightest, fullest version of itself. With the Sun at its maximum power, Litha’s the perfect time to recognize all the things, small and large, that you’ve created and shared with others. It’s also time to honor the leader within you and how you continue to express more of your most authentic self.

At the summer solstice, a doorway in time opens, which our ancestors viewed as sacred and holy. Litha is a grand portal of energy, space, and opportunity – a chance to let go of fears, doubts, and insecurities. After the Sun reaches its maximum power, it begins to decline. Slowly, the night force will grow stronger until its peak at the winter solstice.

Litha is the last chance in our calendar year to activate sacred intentions before moving into autumn and winter, the natural seasons of harvest and rest. It’s a time to step out in faith and imagine what’s entirely possible for yourself. Dream an expansive vision for your life that will sustain you as the darkness slowly returns with the fall.

5 Ways to Be Like the Sun

1. Be the Light

The Sun is a star, and its job is to shine! So is yours, in your unique ways. No matter what happens around you, you always have a choice to see, be, and share the light. What I mean by light is love. Whatever you’re doing and wherever you are, choose that love and give it away freely. There’s no prescription for how this looks, so get creative and just do you – in the truest, sincere, most authentic ways you know.

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2. Take the Lead

Solar energy is motivating and naturally attracts attention. Use that power for good and be the best example you can. You may not own a business or directly work with large groups, but people look to you. Notice who they are and think about what they see. Every time your inner sun comes into someone else’s field, it makes an impact. It radiates its energy and infuses people, spaces, and places. Be a leader with your energy and set an example worthy of following.

3. Co-Create

The Sun represents …

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