Feng Shui for the Office Tips for Productivity & Prosperity

INSIDE: When the energy in your office is set up to support your success, you’ll find yourself being more productive, releasing work stress, and attracting prosperity. These feng shui for the office tips and tools are here to help!


Many times, we underestimate the impact our office design can have on us.

We can’t wait to get home where we can be on our terrain, but what if we can create that same positive feeling in the room we work in? After all, we do spend a significant amount of time in this space, don’t we?

Research published by The Inc has shown that out of eight hours spent at work, we are truly productive for only around three hours.

Fortunately, there are ways to change that, while enjoying our work more in the process.

We can start by making our office a more welcoming and motivating space to be in, and we do that by applying the rules of feng shui.

In this guide, you’ll learn the most important aspects of feng shui for the office .

What Are the Benefits of Using Feng Shui in an Office?

The purpose of feng shui for the office is to create a balanced environment that stimulates productivity. It is a practice that, thanks to carefully thought out design, serves to create a perfect environment for success.

Feng shui is here to support the energy flow and exchange that takes place in the office, eliminating negative energy and inviting positive energy into our work environments.

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It raises the vibration of the space we work in, which motivates us to create and solve problems. When used properly, feng shui acts as a powerful motivating force in the space we work in.

It naturally allows for mental clarity and blocks distractions and stressors that make work harder than it should be. It is used to increase our discipline and focus.

Plus, the smart organization of space helps eliminate worry, allowing us to find enjoyment in what we do. Feng shui is here to help us make the best of every workday.

Working in an aesthetically pleasing environment can help us connect with that space. When we work in an office that radiates positive energy and reminds us of achievements, what we do becomes less of a burden and more of a pleasure.

Amethyst Geodes

Feng Shui for Office Layout & Why it Matters

In feng shui, the layout and the position of each piece of furniture and decor counts.

Not every office is the same, however. Some have their individual space, some work in cubicles, and some share the space with multiple people. Because of that, the placement of your desk and the rest of the furniture will largely depend on whether you share the space or not.

Here are some general rules to follow to invite positive energy in your work space via feng shui…

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Desk Placement

Because doors and windows are the gateways of energy, having your desk facing the door creates an invitation for abundant energy. This is a position of power and success and makes us feel more in control of the environment and the energy that comes in.

Conversely, when our back is turned towards the entrance, we can’t monitor who comes in, and this creates nervousness, stress, and worry.

A similar situation occurs when we have our back turned toward a window, which can make us feel unsafe and anxious at work.

Windows are important sources of light and freshness, which is why we should ideally be able to see them. This increases our vitality and makes us feel supported.

Having a window on the right or left side of a table creates more harmony. It reminds us to take little necessary breaks, so we don’t feel so overworked and isolated from the outside world. This alone has the power to inspire and motivate us to achieve what we have planned.

feng shui for the office desk

Feng Shui For The Office Desk

For those of us who work in an office, our desk is where we spend the most time. It is directly linked to our position, what we do, how we do it, and how we feel about our work.

The more we invite positive energy when sitting in our chairs, the better our performance.

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Now that we know how to position it, the next step is to feng shui the desk itself. We do so by choosing the right table and the right decor for the office.

The key things that can help us bring in more harmony are the shapes and elements we use in the space.

In feng shui, any sharp edges are connected to disruption, danger, threat, and turbulence. They invite conflict, and because of that, having them in the office can create tension and increase stress levels and decrease enjoyment at the workplace.

That’s why the best way to ease this tension is by simply choosing furniture with rounded edges – the more and the rounder, the better!

Rounded shapes are connected to harmony and flow. They balance the energetic exchange and are inviting and supportive of any form of collaboration. This applies not only to the table but all the furniture and decor, including the chairs, couches, rugs, and shelves. 

Feng Shui for the Office Cubicle

Feng shui for the office cubicle is all about being mindful of the flow of energy in that…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in CosmicCuts.com. All the rights of content are owned by CosmicCuts.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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