Celestite Meaning, Metaphysical Properties, Benefits & Uses

Among crystal lovers, Celestite is an undebated favorite. In addition to its ethereal beauty, this powder has profound healing properties.

In this article, we will discuss seven of the metaphysical properties of Celestite, the benefits, and how to use them in your life, as well as some frequently asked questions about this stone. 

You need to welcome the uplifting energy of Celestite into your life if you feel disconnected from yourself, your friend, your family, your lover, or the greater universe in general! 

Celestite Meaning

Among the first scientists to discover Celestite was German geologist A.G. Werner in 1799.

The meaning of Celestite comes from the Latin word ‘coelestis,’ which roughly translates to ‘celestial and heavenly,’ inspired by the name.

The name, of course, refers to the mystical pale-blue quality of the crystal that appears to be connected to the divine.

A Celestite stone is one of many blue gemstones that symbolize wisdom, holiness, and good fortune.

Strontium sulfate makes up the mineral celestite. It is also known as Celestine. The mineral is found mainly in sedimentary rocks.

Usually, Celestite is found in pale blue or white shades, though it can also come in colors such as pink, pale green, pale brown, grey, or even colorless.

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Celestite represents mental clarity and a higher purpose.

Celestite’s Metaphysical Properties And Benefits

A Metaphysical Property of Celestite

When an individual is in close proximity to a real Celestite crystal, they will know what we mean when we say the stone appears to have been created by angels.

This stone possesses a soft, magnetic glow.

Crystal lovers should own Celestite because it can be used for a variety of purposes.

A beginner’s crystal collection would be incomplete without it.

Below are seven of the metaphysical properties of Celestite as well as its benefits.  

1. Balancing And Grounding

The first metaphysical property of Celestite is the ability to balance and ground you. 

Regardless of your present state, Celestite stones have the miraculous ability to ground and center you.

With Celestite, you will be able to feel a sense of harmony and balance in your inner world once again, even if you are not sure what’s wrong. 

You will see the changes in your exterior world when you are able to heal your heart and mind.

As a result, growth, prosperity, and spiritual enlightenment become positive feedback loops.  

2. Nurtures Your Spiritual Development 

By tapping into those psychic abilities, Celestite stands out from the crowd in terms of fostering your spiritual development.

Those who have always been curious about their clairvoyance and the ability to see beyond the pale, beautiful blue of Celestite will be able to tap into that hidden power, enhancing understanding of both the now and future and adding layers of mental clarity.

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3. Eases The Mind

A phenomenal benefit of Celestite is the ability it has to help ease your mind. 

Celestite calms the storms that rage within those who constantly feel on edge or overwhelmed.

Instead of whitewashing your feelings with positivity, it makes you feel them piece by piece, sit in stillness, understands your higher purpose, and let your inner strength and intelligence override your shadowy fears.

The stone is used for raising your vibration and connecting with a higher frequency when your mind is racing, or anxiety is taking over. 

4. Cleanses Your Aura

a benefit of Celestite is cleansing your aura

The powerful healing properties of Celestite will allow you to clear your aura, clear your mind, and let inner peace fill every cell of your body.

It is believed that stones like this have spiritual powers, despite the related physical and celestial bodies, and some knock-on effects may occur.  

If you want to know about Auras and their meanings check out our Aura articles here.

5. Calming and Soothing Benefits

Celestite’s energies will also radiate soothing and calming vibrations that will penetrate your aura and emotional body.

Energy from these types of sources will help you “cool down” fiery emotions you keep hidden inside yourself daily. 

This will help you maintain mental clarity so that you are capable of making non-emotional decisions.

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The simple act of placing a large piece of Celestite on your desk or in your bedroom is enough to alleviate your mind and body. 

6. Aids Lucid Dreams

An out-of-this-world metaphysical property of Celestite is that it aids lucid dreaming. 

By activating your special psychic abilities, you will be able to see and understand messages at a much higher energetic level.

These messages are here to assist you along your life’s journey and provide much-needed guidance. 

ESP, astral projection, lucid dreams, deja vu, and a connection with your guardian angels are examples of these experiences. 

Celestite will…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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