11 Meanings of Seeing Jesus in a Dream: Is It a Sign? 

Life is funny sometimes, don’t you think?

You can spend all your life praying to Jesus, begging for him to come to you, and no sign, no message, no nothing ever seems to come.

And then one night, apropos of nothing, there HE is, right there in front of you… and you’re wondering what it means. 

Well, dreamers, it would appear that you have been blessed. (Maybe.) 

You’re a little intrigued now, aren’t you? 

What Do Dreams About Jesus Mean?


Dreams about Jesus can have a wide variety of meanings, many of them about as positive as you can get.

If you’ve had dreams of wealth or good fortune, those things might just be heading your way… but not if you see Him in peril.

Let’s continue? I believe you will love this article!

What Do Dreams About Jesus Coming Back Mean?

Jesus Coming Back in Dreams

Dreaming about the demise and then rebirth of Jesus Christ can almost be taken exactly as they appear… just without the actual death

This easily converts into a real-life setting. It could indicate that life will be really difficult for a while.

Maybe you’ll feel very depressed, lose your job, face foreclosure, sign divorce papers, or another life event that genuinely feels life-ending for some. 

Demise is inevitable sometimes in life. We can avoid it as best we can, but it’s always there, threatening to rear up at any time. 

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But what happens once Jesus meets his demise? That’s right: he is reborn! 

And so will you be. 

Your demise is not the end.

Also read the meaning of dead persons talking to you in your dreams.

Meaning of Praying with Jesus in Dreams

Praying with Jesus

Does Jesus pray next to you in your dream? If that’s the case, it’s highly likely that your prayers will be heard by Him.

He is right next to you, after all. And, if He can hear you, He has the opportunity to answer your prayers and give you what you want or need. 

But just remember one very important thing: If He can hear you, you can also hear Him. 

Could it be the case that He’s asking YOU to do something, too?

I believe you will love this article with the meaning of dead loved ones in silent in dreams.

11 Meanings of Seeing Jesus in a Dream

The Spiritual Meaning of Seeing Jesus in a Dream

There are many different meanings behind having dreams of seeing Jesus in your dreams. It might be a blessing, or a curse, or a warning for something bad to come. Some would say it’s a sign of righteous justice and restoring the balance of all things

But how do you know which meaning is for you? 

I’m going to show you… 

1) You’re in Need of Guidance

If you find yourself calling out the name of Jesus Christ in a dream, it’s likely a sign that you’re crying out for help in your waking life.

See also  9 Meanings Of Dreaming Of Someone Dying Who Is Still Alive

You need guidance in order to make the right decisions or stop yourself from making the wrong ones.

We all need a little extra guidance from somewhere else every now and again. 

Accepting the fact that you need help is the first step, just like accepting you have a problem with substance abuse.

In order to get help, you must first acknowledge that you need it.

Once that part is out the way, you can then get to work – with real help – on solving whatever problems you have.

Also read the meaning of seeing ghosts in your dreams.

2) You’ll Achieve Your Goals

We all set goals in life, but some of us (most definitely me) have a hard time achieving them.

It’s not due to laziness, or not wanting it enough, or not having the resources or knowledge; sometimes, just sometimes, the universe doesn’t seem to work in our favor

If you feel like everything is working against you right now, with no hope of realizing your dreams, please continue to hold on.

Seeing Jesus come to you in a dream could be a sign that your dreams are going to come true, and you are going to meet all the goals you set for yourself. 

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3) Bestowed a True Blessing

Speaking with Jesus is a true blessing, and that’s exactly how you should treat the omen in your dream.

Some people go their entire lives speaking to Jesus, praying night after night, without even hearing a peep in return. 

But you have. 

How else can Jesus come to you than in a dream? 

The blessing of having a few moments with Him will spill over into your waking life.

You will be blessed, although that blessing might not look exactly as you’d hoped.

Instead of being blessed with wealth and fortune, maybe true happiness and joy will be your gift?

Or perhaps even clarity of thought or absolute contentment?

Also read the biblical meaning of seeing a lot of flowers in your dreams.

4) Stay Strong when Faced with Hardship

Having a dream where you see Jesus might be a sign that you have hardship in your present or future, that’s going to make you feel like you can’t cope or can’t fight.

This isn’t the case.

You have the ability to do both: cope and fight — and go on to win. 

Jesus has come to you…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in angelicalbalance.com. All the rights of content are owned by angelicalbalance.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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