Twin Flame: Going Through The Tower Moment

Are you going through this phase with your twin flame?

The tower moment often pops up to wreak havoc on any relationship, although it’s not always easy to spot.

You might feel like you are out of control or your feelings are confused, but actually, none of this is true.

The Tower moment comes in any relationship where there’s a deep LOVE connection, and all you need to do, is get through the tower moment with dignity to have that love again.

What is the Tower Moment?

The tower moment refers to the tarot card of the tower being struck by lightning while people are falling out of it.

The Tower moment refers to when your relationship feels like it’s in freefall, and you feel powerless or confused about what is really happening.

So often, this happens after a honeymoon period when everything is amazing, then suddenly it hits you.

The tower moment in a twin flame relationship can seem like a never-ending test and it sure does get everyone talking about you and your relationship because we all think we know better, right?

However, it can feel very destructive if you are not aware of why this is happening.

The tower moment usually comes at the 6-8 month point (for some it may come sooner), or somewhere around there in your relationship, no matter which twin flame connection you have.   

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This means it’s the time where “either” one of you will start to withdraw from the other, often feeling like you don’t know each other anymore, and your flame doesn’t burn as bright as it used to.

I have even seen twin flames go through a tower moment at the same time, dragging each other down.tower moment

Physical vs Spiritual love

Often one partner withdraws, because they have stopped feeling the chemistry, or that physical connection that you felt when you first met.  

They are not “feeling” that spark anymore, but then again, maybe they are sensing this is something deeper?

Love is more than a physical connection obviously, but not everyone knows that.

It requires spiritual maturity to understand the difference between physical chemistry and spiritual love.  

Many people mistake one for the other, thinking that a physical connection equals a deeper spiritual love.

This is not true, but it’s only when you go through the tower moment that you will start to understand this.

That lack of understanding can then lead to confusion within your twin flame relationship, creating even more distance.

I have seen this happen to many twin flames, but it doesn’t have to be that way.  

It’s your choice, and you can learn how to get through the tower moment in a dignified way.

It’s another phase in your relationship and requires maturity from both people, or it can really hurt your twin flame connection.   

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The Tower moment is not the end of everything though, and once you go through this phase, things will start to get easier again.Physical vs Spiritual love

Why does the tower moment happen?

There are many reasons why the tower moment happens in a twin flame relationship.

I am only going to mention the top 3 reasons, because of course there are many other reasons too.  

1) To test your love

The tower moment is a testing ground for you both.  It’s like the universe saying “Are you sure this is what you want?”

This means that each twin flame will get an opportunity to test their own desires and feelings, and whether they are ready to commit.

It’s a test because when times get tough, it could be easy for one twin flame to give up and leave the relationship behind.  

If this happens, it means the twin flame connection was actually not strong enough to last.

Love needs a stronger foundation than just a physical connection, which is why this could happen.

Deep down the twin flame relationship is a spiritual connection, it needs deep understanding and a bond that is much deeper than physical love.

If your relationship can’t deal with the “tough” times, will it be able to survive as a long-term commitment?

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That’s what this tower moment tests, and you both know deep inside whether you are ready for this or not.To test your love

2) To break the ego

However, when you get through the tower moment, it means that each of your egos have died a little bit.

You have both given up some control or power over the relationship, something that can only happen because you have made yourself vulnerable to each other.

When two twin flames go through this phase together, they are helping each other.  

The best way to get through the tower moment is for both twin flames to do it together.break the ego

3) To make you stronger

What people seem to forget, is that the tower moment is actually not only a testing ground… but also a learning experience.

Yes, it can feel like everything is falling apart at first, but if you can get through the tower moment, you will grow a lot stronger as a couple.

When two people go through this phase together, it’s because they have some spiritual connection on a deep level.  

In any relationship, there are going to be tests…

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