How to Expand Your Consciousness: 12 Tips You Can Try Right Now

INSIDE: A desire to expand your consciousness is a desire to live a more mindful, and more fulfilling life. Let’s find out how you can actively elevate your mind in small, powerful, and effective ways every day…


According to Scientific American, a study has shown that people believe that, compared to their core strengths, their weaknesses actually can be worked on with dedication and willingness. The very idea that we are capable of changing and evolving is the main concept behind every self-improvement technique.

Self-improvement is necessary for personal growth. While it can be measured by achieving specific goals, it is mostly felt in little ways that reflect a change in our mindset.

This is why one of the best ways to grow as individuals lies in focusing on our mindset, and what we can do to evolve mentally and spiritually. Let’s discover how little habits can help you expand your consciousness and improve the quality of your life…

Spiritual Gifts

How to Expand Your Consciousness

Our minds and our consciousness are incredibly powerful. The more we try to expand our awareness and practice mindfulness, the more clarity and enlightenment we invite.

Expanding consciousness raises our vibration and helps us live a much more fulfilling, authentic life. If you are interested in learning more, tag along, as we are about to share some powerful tips to help you on your journey.

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Meditate, Meditate, Meditate

Meditation has a ton of benefits. Not only does it help us find our inner calm, but it can actually speed up the cell-repair process in the brain and help elevate our consciousness.

Meditation is a way to quiet the inner chatter. This stops mental chaos and allows us to detach from fear and other strong emotions. As a result, we are able to see things with greater clarity.

Many times, it is the busy mind, constant, rapid analysis, and everyday stress that prevents us from going deeper. Instead of searching for the answers online, we can tune into ourselves and connect with Universal intelligence through meditation.

That way, we can find the answers that we seek that are not only for our highest good but most importantly, that resonate with who we are authentically. The reality is that the answers are already inside of us. The only thing that needs to be done is to go within and find them.

With that in mind, taking even a few minutes a day to meditate can help clear the mind, gain highly viable insight, and see things from a much higher perspective, detached from expectations, emotions, or the pressure of limiting beliefs we hold.

Remember, meditation is a practice that can help you expand your consciousness on multiple levels, and the best part is that it can be done anywhere. Whether it’s walking in nature, relaxing by the ocean, gardening, or classic sitting meditation, the effects are always there.

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how to expand your consciousness

Visualize What You Want

How we vibrate is what we attract, and how we visualize is how we invite things to come to us. The power of intention is incredible and it’s the first step to creating any small or big change in our lives, be it internal or external.

Setting an intention by daydreaming, journaling, or meditating sends a clear message to the Universe about what we need or want in our lives. Visualizing what we want strengthens the relationship we have with the Universe and opens us up to fresh spiritual downloads that can then further guide us on our journey. 

Release What is Holding You Back

While there will always be external obstacles on our way, many times, it is our own inner limitations that keep us stuck. This is why one of the best things we can do for ourselves is to be courageous enough to reflect on the patterns, beliefs, and thoughts that hold us back from truly thriving.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to dig deeper:

  • What beliefs are limiting me?
  • What are my triggers trying to tell me?
  • How is my behavior preventing me from getting where I want to be in life?
  • What happens if I succeed?
  • How would I act if this fear wasn’t holding me back? 
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To get unstuck in life and bloom, we need to be ready to transform and face ourselves as we are. Raising awareness about ourselves allows us to improve the quality of our lives and elevate our perception.

It is important to do this inner work not from a place of blame, guilt, or self-judgment, but from a place of self-compassion, self-acceptance, and self-love.

Self-reflection works to expand your consciousness and is a chance to reframe how we see ourselves and our lives so we can release what is no longer serving us. Realizing what is holding us back is the first step to becoming the version of ourselves that we’ve always wanted to be. 

Recognize this as a chance for growth and remember to praise yourself every time you make progress on your soul-searching journey.

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