Past Life Connections – Why You Are Cosmically Intertwined – Spiritual Unite

If you have been wondering about your past life connections, it’s because you are cosmically intertwined.

We are all connected to one another and the universe itself through an invisible web of energy. Some people call this the “Akashic Records” or the ” Collective Unconscious.”

Everything that has ever happened to us – every thought, feeling, and experience – is recorded in this infinite field of energy.

When we tap into the Akashic Records, we can access information about our past lives.Polish 20220702 000703933

This is because our soul – which is eternal and never dies – remembers everything that has ever happened to us.

There are many reasons why you might want to explore your past lives.

Maybe you have felt a sense of déjà vu, or you are drawn to certain places or people for no apparent reason.

Perhaps you have recurring dreams or nightmares that seem connected to a past life.

Or maybe you just have a strong feeling that there is more to your story than what you can see in this lifetime.

What Is a Past Life Connection?

Exploring your past lives can help you to understand yourself on a much deeper level.

It can also provide guidance and insight into your current situation.

If you are struggling with something in your life, looking at it from a past life perspective can give you a new perspective and help you release any negative patterns that might be holding you back.

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Making a past life connection can also be a healing experience.

If you have been dealing with pain or trauma from this lifetime, accessing the memories of a past life can help you to understand and let go of what is no longer serving you.

So, in essence, your past life connections are any experiences, people, or places that you feel a strong connection to from a previous lifetime.

These connections can be positive or negative and provide insight into your current life situation.letting go of the past

Why Past Life Connections Are Important Lessons

My venture into helping people made me realize that past life experiences are important, and not just for pure knowledge.

There are several reasons why you might want to explore your past life connections:

1. Past life experiences can provide guidance and insight into your current situation.

2. Looking at your current situation from a past life perspective can help you understand and release any negative patterns that might be holding you back.

3. Past life connections can be a healing experience, helping you understand and let go of pain or trauma from this lifetime.

4. Past life connections are like a map and can help you to understand your past and yourself on a much deeper level.

Many of you are struggling with life because there is a trigger from a past life that is being re-activated in this one.

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This trigger can be anything from a fear of abandonment to a phobia.

The only way to heal the trigger is to go back to the original event in a past life and release it.

Only then will you be able to live your life without being held back by that fear or phobia.123120190 e1656678231680

Most of you ask me about soulmate or twin flame connections in your past lives.

These special connections you have with another person (or group of people) go beyond this lifetime.

You might feel like you have known them before, or you might have an instant connection with them that is hard to explain.

Knowing Someone From a Past Life – The Signs

These connections are often intense and can come with positive and negative experiences.

To make it easier, I have made a list of signs that you might have a past life connection with someone:

Fierce Rivalry

If you have a feeling of intense rivalry with someone, you are likely rivals in a past life.

This might manifest as competitiveness in this lifetime, or you might find that you are always trying to one-up each other.

If you can’t seem to get along with someone, it might be because you were rivals in a past life.

The best way to deal with this is to understand where the rivalry is coming from.

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Once you understand the root of the problem, you can start to work on releasing it.


If you feel like you know someone even though you have never met them, you will likely have a past life connection with them.

You might feel like you have known them for years or that they are a close friend.

This feeling of familiarity can be strong and is often one of the first signs that you have a past life connection with someone.vever


If you keep meeting someone in random places or have the same experiences, you will likely have a past life connection with them.

This might manifest as always running into each other or something more subtle, like always being on the same wavelength.

Synchronicity is a sign that you are meant to meet someone and is often a sign of a past life connection.

Intense Feelings

If you have intense feelings for someone, you will likely have a past life connection with them.

These feelings might be positive or negative, but they will always be intense.

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