Energy Shielding: 5 Psychic Protection Tools

If you are an empath, you know how easily you can sense and pick up energies. You meet a person full of sadness and despair and within no time, you realize you suddenly feel sad for no concrete reason.

If you are a lightworker and heal others using energy healing, you are even more prone to pick up negative energies. In such a scenario, it becomes incredibly important to shield your aura to find inner stability and feel empowered even in unfavorable environments.

Herein, I walk you through some of the simplest tools you can employ for psychic protection.

1. Visualization

When you leave the house, imagine you are wearing a cloak of protection or a bubble of white or golden light around you. Invoke the angels and pray that no negative energy can pierce through this powerful bubble or cloak and you are fully protected.

2. Grounding

When you are not grounded, you feel disoriented, confused, dropping things and lacking clarity and the ability to focus. Grounding helps to keep your aura positive and strong and external energies cannot affect you if your own aura is strong. There are several ways to stay grounded but walking barefoot on grass is one of the easiest ones. Besides these, you may practice the following grounding technique at any time of the day:

  • Sit calmly and imagine the roots coming out of your feet.
  • Let these roots reach the earth, and grow stronger as they connect with each other.
  • Imagine all the excess energy flowing into the earth through these roots.
  • Do it until you experience a state of calmness and then retain that peaceful vibe even after you get into your everyday routine.
Energy Shielding: 5 Psychic Protection Tools

3. Smudging

Incense sticks are an incredibly powerful way to open roads, steer clear of blocks, expel negative energy and clear your mind and space of stagnant energies. You may use different kinds of incense sticks including sage, camphor, sandalwood, etc. I do it every day at home and believe that the smoke carries my desires, goals, and thoughts out into the ethers/universe. Incense sticks are easy to use, quick and affordable.

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4. Crystals

Crystals can be incorporated at home to prevent bad vibes from entering as crystals work to absorb negative energies from the surroundings and provide emotional protection relieving stress, fear, panic, overwhelm, etc. One may also carry it like a protective talisman to ward off negative energy from your aura. Several crystals are used for shielding and purification such as black obsidian, black tourmaline, selenite, clear quartz, amethyst, etc.

Bear in mind that you need to cleanse the crystals frequently to ensure that they continue to function the way they are supposed to. You may cleanse them by leaving them in the moonlight overnight or by washing them off in salt water.

5. Meditation

This is the most powerful method for shielding as it strengthens you emotionally and expands your aura. The more expansive your aura, the lesser would be the influence of external…

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