How To Unblock Solar Plexus Chakra?

How To Unblock Open Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar plexus chakra is the third chakra from the bottom, located in the stomach area, a couple of inches above the navel.

Healthy solar plexus chakra vibrates to the color of yellow, with fire as its dominant element. The Sanskrit name for solar plexus chakra is ‘Manipura’, which translates to “city of lustrous jewels”, where mani means jewel, and pur means city.

Healing Solar Plexus Chakra requires strengthening and establishing the sense of your identity and self-worth. Healing solar plexus chakra also involves detaching yourself completely from the need of being accepted by others and working on expressing your true individuality into the world.

This is not an easy process because it requires cultivating a deep awareness and looking at yourself from an objective point of view. When your solar plexus chakra is healthy, your ego is strong and balanced at the same time.

The hardest thing about unblocking your solar plexus chakra is just getting started.

Fire, which is a primary element of the third chakra, moves always upward, so initially, you just need to focus on overcoming your inertia and get to work.

Healing and balancing your solar plexus chakra is a beautiful process that will completely transform your character and personality. You will be working on improving your self-worth, self-esteem, personal power, and balancing your ego.

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An important part of healing our solar plexus chakra is also learning to trust your ‘gut instinct’, especially if you struggle with self-doubt, indecisiveness, and low confidence.

Let’s have look at my favorite ways to cultivate a strong and healthy ego and open your solar plexus chakra:

Solar Plexus Chakra Manipura Symbol and Description


1. Breaking Inertia

Breaking boring and repetitive patterns in your life is one of the best ways to step out of powerlessness. Step outside of your comfort zone and try to experience something new today.

Overcoming difficulties and cultivating your personal power will increase your self-esteem confidence. 

What are the best ways to break out of stagnation?

If your solar plexus chakra is very underactive, you can start with small and simple challenges, for example:

  • Do 5 sit-ups as soon as you get up from the bed.
  • Go for a 15-minute walk/jog in the morning.
  • Find a new way to drive to work.
  • Get your groceries from a different shopping center.
  • Try 15 seconds of cold water exposure at the end of your hot shower.

 Solar Plexus Chakra Break Inertia

2. Yoga

Adding yoga to your everyday routine is a perfect way to loosen up and align all chakras of your body. There are many yoga poses (asanas), which can be used for individual chakras, but please keep in mind that ultimately they will provide many health benefits for your body as a whole.

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Balancing solar plexus chakra with yoga asanas involves building strength and flexibility in your core and all of the muscles surrounding your stomach. 

Many experienced yogis believe that having a strong core is the foundation of yoga. Strength developed through doing yoga asanas can be utilized beyond the mat in your daily life.

Some of my favorite yoga poses for the solar plexus chakra are:

Plank Pose | Kumbhakasana

Plank Pose - Kumbhakasana Yoga

Plank pose, or Kumbhakasana, is a great balancing yoga pose, which strengthens your core muscles, arms, wrists, and spine. The word “kumbhak” means “breath retention,” and in traditional yoga, this pose is considered to be a transitional asana. However, feel free to practice this pose on its own to prepare your body for more challenging postures and build your strength and stamina. If you wish to create more fire in your belly, lift one of the legs. Keep in mind that your hips shouldn’t be sinking, and keep your spine in a straight position.

Boat Pose | Paripurna Navasana

Boat Pose | Paripurna Navasana

Boat Pose is a more challenging yoga posture that improves both the front and the back of the body. It focuses on the deep hip flexors in addition to the abdominal muscles. When you sit for longer periods of time, these muscles start to get weak. Paripura Navasana will also help you to build your balance. The effectiveness of the pose requires powerful back muscles as you are supposed to keep your chest lifted. You can keep your knees bent to keep the forward tilt of the pelvis. Keep your chest raised, and keep your neck long (avoid rounding your back). Make sure that you can breathe comfortably.

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Bow Pose | Dhanurasana

Bow Pose - Dhanurasana

The yoga posture of Dhanurasana is named after the shape your body resembles – that of a bow (the word “dhanu” translates to a “bow”). This strong posture works simultaneously on all areas of the back. The whole body’s balance rests on the lower belly. This gorgeous pose provides all the stretch that is needed to the entire back and works well on the abdominal muscles. Hold this posture for at least 15-20 seconds, don’t forget to breathe deeply and sway on your solar plexus while your gaze forward. 

Crescent Pose | Anjaneyasana

Crescent Pose - Anjaneyasana

High Lunge (Crescent Pose) or 

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