How To Unblock Sacral Chakra?

The sacral chakra is the second chakra from the bottom, situated about 2 inches below the navel in the region of the lower abdomen.

The sacral chakra is responsible for a healthy flow of your emotions and it deals with your ability to relate to yourself, and others.

It is the center of your creativity and emotional intelligence, however, the main aspect of the second chakra is sexuality

Sexual energy is one of the most powerful energies you have in your body.

With a balanced sacral chakra, you can allow yourself to take delight in the pleasure of sex as an integrated aspect of life, and see intimacy as a form of communication.

Let’s have a look at some of the best ways you can achieve this balance and unblock your sacral chakra.

What Is Sacral Chakra Svadhisthana


How To Heal Your Sacral Chakra?

Cultivating a balanced and healthy sacral chakra requires you to awaken all of your feelings to the beauty of life with a sense of deep satisfaction.

When the energy of your second chakra flows freely through your pelvis, you will be able to maintain a positive self-image and always feel good about yourself.

So what are the most important elements of 2nd chakra healing?

The path of sacral chakra healing involves a discovery of how pleasure in your life is experienced – this is important to your body and spirit’s well-being.

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Unfortunately, modern society conditioned many of us to beware of pleasure and taught us to repress our natural bodily impulses.

Unblocking your sacral chakra also involves movement and exercises to stimulate  the energy moving through this area.

Repressed emotions and feelings are very often trapped inside your body.
Exercise is one of the best ways of releasing and letting go of them.

Let’s have look at my favorite ways to release these trapped emotions and open your sacral chakra:


1. Self-Nurturance

Simple self-nurturing activities such as taking a hot bath with your favorite music, eating your favorite food, or getting a massage are a great starting point in your second chakra healing process.

Nurturance is a fundamental need of your body, mind, and soul.

Sacral Chakra Self Nurturance Bath


Get creative and think about something you really enjoy doing, and reach out for this experience of pleasure with full awareness and without any sense of guilt.

Get past your judgments, slow down the process, and get fully into this experience. At the end of this experiment, ask yourself a couple of questions:

  • Where in your body did you experience most pleasure?
  • How did you feel?
  • Can you describe all sensations and feelings?

2. Creative & Playful Activities

Creative and playful activities promote healthy social and emotional development. Without them, life becomes monotonous, and they are very often overlooked as we grow up.

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Consider getting yourself a spiral notebook or diary and start writing your feelings and thoughts for a minimum of 5 minutes every day.

Sacral Chakra Journaling

Journaling is a great way of clearing your mind and releasing all of your thoughts, emotions, and feelings – it will make you feel lighter.

Another great way of healing your sacral chakra through playful activities is trying out something new, which involves physical movement:

  • Go dancing this weekend or sign up for a dance class
  • Try out your local gym, yoga studio, or crossfit class
  • Go for a hike or bike ride in nature

Be spontaneous and use your imagination to come up with some playful activities that you always wanted to do, but you have been postponing them for a long time.

3. Sacral Chakra Meditation

One of my favorite sacral chakra meditation techniques is water meditationThis meditation is very similar to any other traditional meditation practice. The only difference is that you will add a water element into your practice.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Before you start your water meditation practice, pour yourself a large glass of water.
  • Sit down in a lotus pose with your spine straight, relax your body, and take a few deep breaths.
  • Start drinking your water slowly.
  • Concentrate on the feeling of water pouring down through your entire body and feel the coolness of it.
  • As you get deeper into this meditation, shift your focus to your sacral chakra and imagine an orange, translucent light in this area.
  • Visualize it expanding and filling up your entire pelvis with an orange glow.
  • Be aware of the balance it brings into your life and take as long as you need to integrate this beautiful energy.
  • When you are ready, gently allow your sacral chakra to close and open your eyes.
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Sacral Chakra Water Meditation

You can finish your water meditation with this affirmation:

“I flow with the natural harmony of the universe and allow myself to accept all the good things it has to offer” 

4. Sacral Chakra Affirmations

Here are some of the most powerful sacral chakra affirmations which you can use during your meditation to help you restore balance in this energy center:

  • I am passionate about my life.
  • I am a sensual and creative being.
  • I am in touch…

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