Oracle Card Reading July 11 – 17, 2021

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Quest

Contemplate your own spiritual quest and try to specifically name it. Go deeper into what motivated you to start it and what “feeds” you from inside to continue this quest. Define what you’re looking for and remember: “what you seek is seeking you.” We just have to see it; to refine our consciousness until we’re able to see the Truth that we are.

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2. Protection

Have you felt defensive lately? That’s also due to a lack of energetic protection. Your system is trying through any means available to keep harmful, negative people and energies at bay. Reclaim your personal space and decide what you wish to experience in this lifetime and what you wish not to. No compromises! Keep your frequency high and build an inner universe that feels right and beneficial to you – this will also be reflected in your outside world.

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3. Perspective

Remember you create your reality. It’s all a matter of perspective. You have the power to build yourself up or tear yourself down. Imagine what it would be like to live your daily life from a higher perspective. How easy and flowing everything would be! This is possible but it requires your will, commitment, and sustained devotion. It requires you to let go of the limiting reality you have built over time about yourself, others, and life. Are you willing to see things from a higher perspective?

See also  11 Signs Of A Blocked Heart Chakra

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Reiki blessings!

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