Chakra Stones Meanings | 7 Chakras Crystals Chart

Chakra Stones - Chakra Crystals Meaning Explained

Many people believe that stones have the ability to hold large amounts of therapeutic energy and power because it takes millions of years for crystals and gemstones to form underground.

Although there is no scientific proof that crystal therapy works as a method of treatment, more and more individuals are open to seeking out the potential advantages that crystals have to offer.

It is a widely held view that certain crystals and stones contain high vibrational energy, which can be transmitted to you and restore your own energetic balance.

Chakras are considered to be your most important energy centers, and gemstones can truly assist you in restoring your spiritual energies within these vortexes of energy.

Each chakra can be balanced and healed by chakra stones and crystals. 

In this article, I’m going to give you a list of specific chakra stones, which are known to speed up your chakras healing process.

We will then explore the healing properties and benefits of each crystal.

The goal of this article is to help you to select stones that resonate with you the most and maybe even build your own chakra crystal grid in the future!

Let’s go!

Chakra Stones Chart

Let’s begin by looking at this colorful chakra stones chart below:

Chakra Stones Chart - Seven Chakras Crystals

This chart might help you if you are just getting started to learn about chakras, as it will allow you to better visualize each chakra and its color correspondence:

  1. First Chakra – Root Chakra | Muladhara – Red
  2. Second Chakra – Sacral Chakra | Svadhishthana – Orange
  3. Third Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra | Manipura – Yellow
  4. Fourth Chakra – Heart Chakra | Anahata – Green
  5. Fifth Chakra – Throat Chakra | Vishuddha – Light Blue / Turquoise
  6. Sixth Chakra – Third Eye Chakra | Ajna – Indigo
  7. Seventh Chakra – Crown Chakra | Sahasrara – Violet or White
See also  11 Symptoms of Your Heart Chakra Opening


You might be wondering:

So, what is the correlation between chakra colors and chakra stones?

The answer is straightforward: the vast majority of the stones on this list have the same color as the corresponding chakra center!

There are obviously some exceptions here (for example, some of the root chakra stones are black, and rose quartz is one of the best crystals to balance your green, heart chakra), but most of the time, you can follow this simple rule when selecting your chakra stones.

If you want to learn more about chakra colors and their vibratory frequencies, check out Chakra Colors | 7 Chakras Color Meaning article on our blog.


How To Choose The Right Chakra Stone For You

You might feel overwhelmed by the number of gemstones available on the list above (and there are much more available).

However, there’s nothing to be worried about!

I found that one of the best ways of picking the right stones is to use your intuition and go for the ones that you feel most attracted to.

Chakra Stones in Hand

Here are a few useful tips on how to pick the right chakra stones:

  • Pick the ones that caught your eye immediately.
  • Try to examine the stone in person if possible, and hold it in your hand for a few seconds.
  • Do you like the glow and the texture of the gemstone?
  • How do you feel when you hold it in your hand?
  • If you feel a slight tingling sensation, excitement, or even have goosebumps during your examination – this stone is definitely for you!
  • If you don’t have the opportunity to scrutinize the physical chakra stone, go entirely by the looks and your heart feeling.
See also  10 Signs Your Throat Chakra Is Opening

How To Use Chakra Stones

There is no correct or incorrect way for chakra stones to be used. However, I am going to give you a few creative ideas on how to include them as a part of your daily routine:

  1. Meditate with your crystals. 
    This is probably my favorite way of using chakra stones (especially during my concentration meditation). The main idea here is to hold the stone(s) in your hand or place them near you and put your entire attention on a specific chakra center during your session.
  2. Place the stones on your physical body (and position them at the 7 chakra points).
    This is a very popular method, which is very often used during holistic therapy known as crystal healing. During the session, you normally lay down on your back, relax for 20-30 minutes, and let your crystal therapist do the magic.
  3. Wear your chakra stones as a form of jewelry.
    This is considered to be the most convenient way of using chakra stones, as you will always have them around you in the form of bracelet, necklace, ring, or earrings.
    Feel free to check out our website for some of these products.
  4. Use them during your bath time.
    This method might require a bit of research, as certain stones might change their properties, and they shouldn’t get in contact with water.
  5. Create your own, beautiful chakra crystal grid.
    Crystal grids are extremely powerful as they often combine sacred geometry to enhance the healing properties of your…
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