10 Crystals for Strength: Find Your Personal Power in Difficult Times

INSIDE: We are facing difficulties that we have never seen before, and it’s time to take our power back. We can use these 10 crystals for strength to help us feel empowered so that our obstacles don’t have as much hold on us.


Now more than ever, we need to step into our personal power. We are experiencing our freedoms being taken away, our businesses being shut down, our livelihood being jeopardized, and it’s certainly not an empowering situation.

BUT, by supporting ourselves with the things we need to take back our power, we can rediscover our strength even in the midst of the challenges we are facing.

There are many crystals that can help us achieve this, and we’ve chosen 10 of our favorites to discuss with you today.

10 of the Best Crystals for Strength & Personal Power

It was tough to choose, as there are so many crystals that can help us develop strength and personal strength, but here are our top picks…



Serpentine is a highly spiritual crystal that protects us from negative energy while attracting positive energy at the same time.

As it aims to activate kundalini energy, it has the ability to open all of the chakras, and it resonates strongest with the crown chakra.

Personal strength comes strongest when it follows the clearing of emotional blockages, and that is why Serpentine is one of the best crystals for strength.

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As we heal our emotional issues, we expand our consciousness and experience inner peace. From that place, nothing can touch us.

Leopardskin Jasper

Leopardskin Jasper

Leopardskin Jasper is one of our favorite crystals for inner strength because its energy is empowering and it serves as a catalyst for personal growth.

This is a stone that brings strength and stability to chaotic experiences. It helps to reveal our choices, thereby freeing us from feeling stuck and helping us to take control of our lives. 

When we use Leopardskin Jasper, we notice that we are inspired to balance action with tranquility and harmony. We feel motivated, especially in relation to finances.

By helping us realize that darkness complements the light, we are able to more effectively work through our self-defeating habits and bring balance to our lower chakras and the heart chakra.

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger's Eye

Tiger’s Eye is probably the stone that most people think of when the topic of crystals for personal power comes to mind. 

This power stone is all about inner strength, confidence, and vitality. It carries a strong protective energy that provides feelings of stamina and stability, and it is often called the Stone of Courage.

As it is a lower chakra stone, Tiger’s Eye helps us develop the grounding foundation we need to move into higher consciousness. In that way, it helps us integrate spirituality with physical life.

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With its help, we are likely to have more perseverance and emotional strength, and we can find more creative solutions to turn crisis around.

If you want to know how to go with the flow while manifesting change and wealth, this is the stone for you.



Carnelian is known for its action-inspiring energy. It’s wonderful for providing a boost of physical energy, inner strength, and confidence to overcome challenges and seize the day. 

That description alone should make it clear as to why we’ve chosen Carnelian as one of our favorite crystals for strength, but there’s much more to it than that.

This is a stone that empowers us by helping us to believe in ourselves. It can uplift us and energize us, stimulating our mental and physical state.

If you are lacking courage, willpower, or drive, Carnelian is the power stone to give it to you.

Red Tiger’s Eye

Red Tiger's Eye

Red Tiger’s Eye has a similar energy as Tiger’s Eye, but with some subtle differences. Red Tiger’s Eye is a root chakra stone and is therefore extremely grounding. That’s why many people call it a survival stone. 

The calm yet stimulating energy this stone emits can provide the motivation and emotional and physical strength we need to accomplish great tasks but at the same time, it helps us do it without stress.

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Red Tiger’s Eye balances all aspects of the self (light and dark, masculine and feminine, earthly and spiritual), and it is both energizing and calming at the same time. 

Not only will Red Tiger’s Eye provide the passion, creativity, confidence, and  abundance you need right now, it will also help you engage in the self-care you need to thrive.



Citrine is one of the best crystals for personal power for many reasons. It is a solar plexus stone, which means it helps to provide willpower, motivation, and empowerment. 

It brings us mental and emotional clarity that reveals itself as confidence. It’s an extremely invigorating crystal, serving to uplift the inner spirit and provide a quick dose of optimism and physical energy.

Citrine helps us turn our difficult situations in a positive direction. It supports self-discipline, creativity, and goal attainment. 

This is also one of the best stones for abundance and prosperity….

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in CosmicCuts.com. All the rights of content are owned by CosmicCuts.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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