How to Use Crystals for Physical Healing

INSIDE: It’s said that we can learn a lot about ourselves through pain. But let’s be honest – we’d much prefer to have healthy bodies that are free from pain. Use these crystals for physical healing promote pain relief and help protect you from future injury and illness.


In our society, we so readily allow pain to enter and rule our lives. That doesn’t mean we run around purposely injuring our bodies, but just take a look at our language.

The common idioms that come from our mouths when dealing with stress, annoyances, or challenges so often include pain:

  • A pain in the neck
  • Pain in the backside, butt, or whatever you term the derrière
  • Growing pains
  • No pain, no gain

These are just a few examples, and it isn’t surprising either. We live in a society that is bent on exploring new forces and technologies, sometimes to the detriment of our physical health.

We invite in new pollutants, toxic chemicals, biological modifications, and electromagnetic frequencies before we fully understand the physical consequences. These developments may lead to amazing applications and discoveries, but they often prove to cause pain and disease. 

We live lifestyles so overloaded with stimulants, responsibilities, and busy-ness. Eventually, we fall prey to stress and anxiety, and as a result, conditions manifest as chronic and psychogenic pain.

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Researchers estimate that in the general population up to 40% of people suffer with chronic pain and up to 29% with diagnosed mental health disorders. And these conditions can have complex intersections that befuddle modern medicine and pharmaceuticals. 

That’s why many doctors emphasize the importance of combining medical and alternative treatments, including methods like acupuncture, Reiki, and meditation.

Healing Gemstone Collections

It’s important to understand that you should consult trained medical professionals about physical pain and illnesses. Do your research – many doctors respect and advise holistic treatment approaches with medication, therapies, and natural treatments.

What we want to share here are healing methods that can bring relief, fortify immunity, and guide the physical body towards recovery. With methods that incorporate crystals, you can strengthen your mind and resolve to handle pain and soothe your body as it incorporates medicine and healing techniques.

By sustaining positive energy and thoughts towards healing and offering your body love and attention for its amazing processes, you’ll mentally challenge the idea that your body is physically sick and empower it to heal.

Ways to Use Crystals for Physical Healing 

We describe several ways to use crystals for physical healing, but keep in mind these are not cures – they are psycho-behavioral methods to support your body’s natural healing abilities.

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Just as you want clean, sterile equipment in an operating room for surgery, you want to always start with cleansed crystals (rinsed in water, bathed in sound waves, smudged with sage, etc.) when you begin any one of these methods.

Meditate With Them

A powerful means for all types of healing – physical, emotional, and spiritual – meditation teaches us to calm sensations in our mind and body.

With the aid of crystals, you can target your meditation on thoughts of healing by visualizing the energy of the crystals circulating inside your body and sweeping away pain, germs, or other illness.

The best crystals for physical healing will also invite positive sensations and energy to replace areas of pain.

Rub a Tumbled Stone on an Area of Pain

Tumbled stones are shaped and smoothed to reduce sharp edges and provide a cool, soothing texture to the crystal. They are great to use on joint pain, headaches, and other surface-level pain.

Holding a tumbled stone against an area of pain and gently rubbing the stone on the skin will activate the crystal energy to penetrate the skin and envelope the area of pain. Massaging the crystal on your body conducts a light heat that can awaken even more healing power.

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It’s always a good idea during crystal healing to recite or think healing affirmations to enhance the positive energy.

Physical Healing Crystals

Create a Crystal Grid

Another tool for physical healing involves building a crystal grid. A crystal grid incorporates the energy of sacred geometry and the frequencies emitted by crystal combinations.

To create one, you infuse the grid with intention, anchor and arrange the crystals, and activate the energy of the combinations. The grid will continuously target your intention until you dismantle the grid or deactivate it.

That’s why it’s important to build a grid in a room or space where you can spend time in meditation and contemplation with your crystals. It’s also important that crystal grids remain unmoved when activated so you don’t have to start the ritual again.

Drink a Crystal Elixir

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