Can Reiki Help Skin Conditions Like Psoriasis and Eczema? – Reiki Galore

Anyone who has ever suffered from a skin condition knows just how miserable it can be. Not only does it bring acute discomfort, irritation, and even pain, it can also affect us in other ways. Our confidence can take a battering. We often avoid social occasions for fear of people’s reactions to our condition.

And yet millions of us never actually seek medical help and advice. Skin conditions and diseases are ranked as the fourth biggest cause of human illness. Recent studies show that the problem is far more widespread than was previously understood.

So, why do we avoid the doctor? It might be that we think it too trivial a matter – in some cases. It also could be that we know that the treatment will possibly carry its own side effects. Skin conditions are generally treated with strong steroid lotions and greasy unguents.

Whatever the reason, it is tragic that so many people either suffer in silence or resign themselves to using corticosteroids. With the latter, if your condition doesn’t improve – or gets worse – then you get the blame; you used too much, or not enough! And the side effects?

Yes, itching, burning, dryness, irritation – the very symptoms you’ve been fighting!

It is little wonder that people are turning to alternative means of managing or curing their skin complaints. And one method that has proved extremely effective in many cases is reiki.

How does Reiki help?

There can be no doubt that modern medicine has made huge advances, and that we are grateful for modern healthcare. But it has its limitations, and generally only ever focuses on dealing with the symptoms. Only in rare cases do medical experts actually recommend treating the whole person.

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This is the biggest problem with healthcare today. We are complex beings, with 65 trillion cells working as a community. And just like any community, such as the ones in which we live, a problem in one area usually affects others.

Got a headache? Take a painkiller. Indigestion? Have a spoonful of antacid mixture. Feeling depressed? Take the antidepressant.

These might take away the symptoms, but nine times out of ten you’ll soon be back where you started. There might be a good reason why your head hurts, your stomach is burning, or you feel the leaden weight of depression.

There could be a reason why you have a skin condition that you haven’t considered. What you should be doing is seeking the cause of the symptoms. And this is where reiki can prove to be a real help.

If you book a session with a reiki practitioner, they will chat with you before they begin, This will not only establish a bond of trust between you but will also help them understand any areas upon which to focus. As they treat you, it may well be that they feel drawn to particular issues.

And here’s where this method differs greatly from conventional medicine; they may feel that there is an emotional blockage in your energy.

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Your doctor is not likely to tell you that your illness is due to unresolved emotional trauma, are they? But these things can, and do, bring us immense suffering when left unchecked. Stress from past conflicts and events can result in physical symptoms. And these, in turn, make us even more stressed, compounding the problem.

The whole basis of reiki is to provide deep relaxation. Energy flows through us all, and we ourselves are part of a universal vibrational field. The deep relaxation provided by reiki allows these energies to align and flow as they should.

This not only gets the body functioning properly but it also helps to clear blockages of mind and spirit. It treats the whole person.

As your body and mind relax, you are freed, given the opportunity to become the best version of yourself. Blockages are removed, your immune system starts to work for you and the stress hormones cease to damage your body.

It may be that several sessions are needed to discover the root of the problem, but it will be worth it. Most people who undergo reiki healing find that their lives improve for the better, in ways not related to the problem. Countless people have received reiki for skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis, and have learned to manage – and even cure – their illness.

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Will my Eczema/Psoriasis ever go away?

The medical world frequently uses a term that automatically instills a negative attitude towards certain illnesses; ‘no known cure’. This is usually applied to eczema, leading people to believe they will never be free from it.

However, as stated previously, people have found relief from these (and other) skin conditions using reiki. Some have even seen them clear up completely. And yet mainstream medical sources are keen to stress that there is no direct evidence that reiki works!

Reiki is suitable for anyone, so it is safe for young children as well as adults. It is especially distressing to see kids suffering from these horrible conditions, but thankfully most (about 70%) will be clear of eczema by…

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