Reiki Can Help You Improve Your Financial Health

This statement may come as a surprise to many people. To most, reiki isn’t something that is readily associated with money and finance. It is generally thought to simply be a means of healing people of their pain and discomfort.

After all, isn’t that why the majority of patients go to see a reiki healer?

But when you take a moment to consider it, using reiki as a way of ‘healing’ your finances makes excellent sense. And as you read on, we’ll explain why this is.

What is ‘financial health’?

Like so many other aspects of life, this is open to personal interpretation. We come from a wide variety of backgrounds, with different experiences and attitudes regarding money.

To some, simply being able to pay the rent or mortgage and have a bit left over to treat ourselves is enough.

To others, having a good amount stashed away in savings accounts is a priority. The truth is that millions of people struggle with their finances, being forced into a lifestyle that isn’t always of their choosing; a job they don’t like, but need; a credit card they really shouldn’t use but were forced to take; sudden, unexpected unemployment.

The list, sadly, goes on. We feel the need for money keenly, and we get caught in a cycle that is difficult to break.

We do this because if we want anything in life, we have to pay for it. As the old saying goes, “The best things in life are free”. True as that may be, there are plenty of other things that we want and need that are most definitely not free. It isn’t really money that we want at all, it’s the things that money buys.

Another saying states, “Whoever said money can’t buy happiness was shopping in the wrong stores.” and they have a point.

We all want to be happy and successful, and it seems that money offers us a way to achieve this.

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Aside from the ‘nice’ things, there are bills to be paid, too. We might complain, but we enjoy the benefits of the services for which we pay. All of this puts more pressure on us to earn more money, to be financially healthy. We need to earn enough to pay the bills that keep rising, to pay back loans, the mortgage, and so on.

So, how many of us are in a healthy financial position, where a lack of money is not an issue? The honest answer is that not many people are. A survey in 2019 showed that almost half of the American population struggled with their financial lives in some way.

And this brings a great deal of stress.

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Reiki – not just for pain!

Although a good proportion of reiki patients will initially seek help for pain-related conditions, it is by no means limited to this. Reiki is about bringing balance. It’s about releasing blockages of energy and allowing it to flow freely.

It allows people the opportunity to achieve their true potential on a physical and spiritual level.

Once those energies begin to move as they should, your body starts to function properly. More importantly, you will find that your mind and spirit are more open.

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You will start to question old beliefs that you have held onto, old patterns of behavior. Negative thoughts and emotions will start to dissolve. As this happens, you will be free to make clearer decisions about your life.

This includes decisions about your finances.

Money worries are one of the biggest causes of stress and stress-related illness. It is well known that stress hormones cause physical and mental health problems over time.

Reiki addresses both issues but goes further. Having resolved your physical pain and mental turmoil, reiki can set you on a path towards financial renewal.

The key to this is to understand that everything is energy, literally everything, including money. And reiki involves the flow of energy, sending it to where it is most needed.

As you go through a series of Reiki sessions, you will start to appreciate yourself more. You will feel your self-worth. You will have a better relationship with yourself.

This will help you to realize that you deserve abundance in your life. The universe is infinitely abundant, with plenty for all. It’s isn’t about everyone sharing an equal part of a small pie. You were born to be abundant – it is your natural state.

All that has happened is that the cares of life got in the way and blocked you from receiving it.

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Also, you will have been fed so much nonsense about money from a young age. You’ve been tricked into thinking that you have to strive and struggle to get it, to earn every cent through blood, sweat, and tears. Even then, you might not get rich, it’s just the luck of the draw – or so you’ve been told.

People still cling to the idea that the only way to get money is to work hard for years and years. Try telling that to the old folk who have worked their finger to the bone for forty years and now struggle to get by on a meager pension.

What you have to realize is that these are lies that are told to keep you poor. Money is not evil – how can it be? Yes, it can be used by evil people and…

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