Aquarius Man Sagittarius Woman Compatibility – Mystic Compatibility

Aquarius Man Sagittarius Woman Compatibility – Overview

The Aquarius man Sagittarius woman compatibility is about the meeting of two very similar individuals. They are mutually interested in the bigger picture. The Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman will have fun comparing notes and may both actually feel a little bored by the whole idea of conventionality.

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They will tend to talk about non-personal topics such as all things green, history, bio-genetics or nuclear energy. Mutually, they are rather footloose and fancy-free. The Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman may spend a whole lot of time together. This is before actually admitting that they are in an Aquarius man Sagittarius woman dating period. Their connection relies on their personalities growing together. They will be in a very unconventional relationship which is exactly as they want it.

There will be an immediate and obvious Aquarius man Sagittarius woman attraction between them. With a very good friendship between them which will eventually lead to romance. Mutually being visionaries, they will have many common goals. With a shared disdain for convention, directness and honesty is first prize for them.

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Arguments will be volatile at the time. Once the Sagittarius woman has had time to cool down, she will return to try and resolve things. This is most definitely a pleasurable Aquarius man Sagittarius woman relationship while the couple can play happy families. Where it fails is when problems arise, and they need to be the adult to help resolve them.

Their Aquarius man Sagittarius woman friendship will initiate their compatibility. This is always a good thing. Their compatibility is more about the meeting of minds and principles, instead of a raunchy sexual exchange.

Fortunately, their compatibility won’t easily fall apart when they have Aquarius man Sagittarius woman arguments. Her tempestuous personality does not last long, and she does not hold grudges. When real life problems hit and the relationship suddenly isn’t so much fun for them anymore, their compatibility can easily evaporate.

Romance for the Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman is not likely, nor of little value to either of them. They both profess a belief in friendship. However, when things get difficult, they both disappear in a flash. Neither one of them actually wants to deal with personal problems. This particularly applies to problems such as the children, financial decisions, careers, or getting on in years. The Aquarius man Sagittarius woman in love can be great friends. However, when it comes to needing assistance, they might not be there for each other.

The passion between the Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman will be facing different directions. She has a passion for humanitarian causes, while he will have to dig deep to manifest some form of passion. Neither of them actually will be concerned about bringing passion into their sphere of existence. With being reserved, he can at times be quiet. He will most definitely struggle to reciprocate her passion. Their Aquarius man Sagittarius woman love compatibility will never be a steamy connection.

Aquarius man Sagittarius woman sex will be forgone at the best of times. They are mutually detached and logical. The inclination may be to express their erotic feelings in indiscriminate benevolence or deliberation rather than explicit sexuality. With their lack of restrictions on each other infidelity is not something that won’t be considered.

Should they decide to stray from their marriage bed; neither of them will hide it. Instead, they will be open and honest about it. Mutually, there is no deception or dishonesties. Both partners will approach the other with an upfront take it or leave it attitude. The Aquarius man Sagittarius woman intimacy is based on mutual respect for each other’s boundaries. Hence they will be able to survive any infidelity that may take place.

Marriage between the Aquarius man and Sagittarius will certainly not be conventional. Should they decide to have children, they could potentially still put them second to their community projects. In their Aquarius man Sagittarius woman marriage, they will agree on parenting and money matters. Their household is likely to be highly disorganized and chaotic. The mundane details of daily life will be forgotten, and bills may stack up and not be paid.

Mutually they require private time and space for their contemplation. Personal freedom is very important, and restrictions of any kind are equally abhorrent to them. They are not very probable to agree to any form of Aquarius man Sagittarius woman traditional marriage. Neither are they likely to quickly commit to each other either.


Aquarius Man Sagittarius Woman Compatibility: Positive Traits

Aquarius man Sagittarius woman compatibility has a lot in common. Their various personality traits and love…

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