Chinese Dream Interpretations –

What do dreams mean in Chinese culture?

For years and years, many people from Chinese cultures have believed in the power of dreams to foretell the future. It seems that there is a deep need within us to delve into our subconscious minds to unlock the secrets our dreams may reveal to us.

You will understand this need if you have ever woken from an intriguing dream and felt sure that it had something important to tell you. If you want to analyze your dreams then the first step is to create a record of them.

Keeping a dream journal

One of the biggest problems when it comes to the analysis of dreams is remembering the exact details of them. The best solution to this problem is to invest in a dream journal; this will help you to remember and record dreams so that you can interpret them in more depth later on.

All you need to do is keep a blank paged book for writing and a pen by your bedside. You may only be able to recall fleeting moments of your dreams at first but it is important to write these down – however meaningless they may seem. This helps to train your subconscious mind into remembering more and more and before long you’ll be recording your dreams in much greater detail.

Why Can’t We Remember Our Dreams? 

Have you ever woken up from a very vivid dream and then completely forgotten what it was all about just a short time later? You’re not alone.

Some people struggle more than others to remember their dreams while others claim to never dream at all. One of the most helpful pieces of advice given to potential dream analyzers is to lie completely still on waking up.

For some reason, if we move we tend to forget our dreams. By lying still, immediately after waking up, you should be able to recall more details of your dream. You will need to stay focused however and get ready to write down your memories as soon as possible, because you may lose the details of your dream if you start planning your breakfast or what to wear for the day.

Chinese Dream Significance

Some dreams will hold more significance for you than others so pay close attention to dreams that stick in your mind, are particularly vivid, or seem very real. These are the dreams that could hold deeper insights into your life path or could help you to make the wisest possible choices if decisions need to be made.

Dreams provide us with a key to unlock our unconscious mind. Being able to interpret our dreams, gives us an opportunity to understand ourselves on a deeper level. But what do our dreams really mean? Below are some traditional interpretations of common themes and symbols that appear in our dreams.

Baby: Babies in dreams indicate celebrations and good luck in general.

Bells: Hearing the ringing of bells in a dream indicates that good news is on its way to you.

Dog: Dogs in dreams represent your friends. If the dog is happy and friendly then all is well, but if a dog barks or attempts to bite you – keep an eye on someone close to you.

Death: Death in dreams represents the transition to another stage, the abandonment of old life patterns, stereotypes and prejudices and the transition to a new level of tolerance and self-love, the transition to something else, the need for change, retreat, unpredictable situations,

Clouds: White clouds indicate good fortune; dark clouds indicate troubled times ahead.

Falling: If you dream that you are falling, you may be feeling anxious or insecure about something.

Flying: Flying in a dream is considered a highly symbolic dream that contains a hidden message for you to discover.

Frog: Frogs in dreams indicate surprises and good news, often relating to matters of the heart.

Hair: If you dream that your hair is falling out, wait for a little before beginning a new project. Dreaming that you have thick, lustrous hair is a good omen.

Horse: A white horse in a dream is a symbol of new love coming into your life. Brown and black horses indicate news from afar.

Jewelry: Good fortune is highlighted for you.

Keys: A new opportunity awaits you; a door will soon open for you.

Ladder: If you dream of climbing up a ladder, success is on its way, if you’re climbing down the ladder prepare for some disappointment.

Nudity: A very common dream symbol; if you dream of being nude in public it may be that you are wearing your heart on your sleeve too much, or being too open or frank with other people.

Pig: Pigs in dreams are a lucky omen. You could be on the brink of a major success.

Rainbow: Dreaming of a rainbow is incredibly lucky. Good news and happiness is on the way.

Ring: Dreaming of a ring is an indicator of an upcoming engagement or marriage

School: Dreaming that you are in a school indicates that you need to acquire more knowledge about something.

Snake: Be careful who you trust, someone you know may not be all that they appear to be.

Teeth: Another common dream symbol; if you dream of losing...

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