Cutting Energy Cords: Why You Should & How to Do It

INSIDE: As we go through life, we form energetic attachments to people and things. When those connections feel negative, cutting energy cords can restore us and make room for more positivity in our lives.


We form and show attachments, physical and emotional, in many different ways.

  • You listen to a lecture on meditation that resonates with you and decide to incorporate it into your routine.
  • You get a tattoo with a friend to remember a moment – a permanent representation of an attachment.
  • You date someone for a couple months, which naturally forms certain attachments.

Attachments bind you to people, ideas, and things. Energy actively shifts within you every time you experience an emotion related to these bonds. This phenomenon can actually be detected in the brain.

Shifts in emotional energy actually show up in the frequency size of brain waves. In Sanskritic yoga traditions, nadis – tubes or cords – run the length of our spine allowing positive and negative energy to flow through the chakra system.

Emotional attachments and energy flows symbolize the myriad ties that bind us. These ties are also known as etheric cords. 

Each of us has millions of these cords – single strands, tight braids, or tangled clusters – connecting us to different traditions, ideologies, relationships, and materials. 

Spirituality Crystals

What is Etheric Cord Cutting & Why Should You Do It? 

Etheric cords can be positive or negative.

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They can lace our energy with respect, excitement, courage, and power. When connected to like-minded people, passions, or adventures, positive energy gives us supported growth mindsets.

These cords can also shift energy into detrimental forms, like jealousy, obsession, or doubt. We frequently come into contact with negative things and people that ensnare us with unhealthy comparisons or habits.

No matter if your attachments are positive or negative, it’s always a good idea to cut our energy cords.

Etheric cord cutting can happen in many ways. The most common way is through an extensive meditation exercise.

With the help of visualizations and tools like crystals and stones, you can recognize and break free from what isn’t serving you in positive living.

This process helps you focus on relationships and things that matter most to you and that positively energize you.

How to Know if You Have Cords That Need to Be Cut

Before you learn how to cut energy cords, you need to identify what cords sustain you or drain you. 

Our seven main chakra points are great places to explore to check how we physically and mentally experience emotions. Chakras reverberate with our energy and influence our daily lives.

We especially experience emotions through our heart chakra and solar plexus chakra.

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The first step in cutting energy cords requires you to take stock of what type of energy – negative or positive – you experience through different ties.

Through the experience of positive and negative energy, you can reevaluate, eliminate, or nourish your emotional bonds.

Etheric Cord Cutting

Negative Energy

Negative cords are easy to detect as we often experience physical symptoms of discomfort as a result of connections that don’t feed our higher purpose.

In the solar plexus, negative cords give you that “pit in your stomach” feeling. You may experience physical sickness: nausea, indigestion, or loss of breath. 

It’s like opening the drawer full of your chargers or taking your headphones out of your pocket – somehow all of the electronic tendrils have tangled from being tousled or ignored. 

From the solar plexus, this usually indicates tensions over power or ability. You feel threatened by the presence of someone in your life, or you compare yourself and your abilities to others when you are in certain places or communities.

As its name suggests, energy should energize, not exhaust you. When you feel heavy with negative emotions or sensations, take it as a sign to start cutting energy cords. 

Positive Energy

It’s important to realize that this practice isn’t always about negative cords. We make so many connections in our lives that we can also become overloaded.

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In the heart chakra, we can overflow with love, compassion, or spiritual partnership. We need to share our abundance.

Just as plants with wild branches extending in every direction sometimes need pruning to continue to grow, we need to tend our positive energy ties.

A cord may have nurtured an important part of our growth, but we need to trim its tight grip on our thoughts and identities in order to move forward in our lives. Often times, old cords naturally wither away or decay from your energetic exchanges without any conscious action from you.

We can cut energy cords that we have locked away for ourselves, sometimes selfishly, so that we extend these cords into other emotional bonds.

Cutting positive energy cords provides space for new experiences that can lead us down clearer paths on our spiritual journeys.

Smudge Sticks

How to Cut Energy Cords

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