25 Signs You’re Going Through A Spiritual Awakening

If you’re like me, you may have experienced some signs of a spiritual awakening?

Sometimes without even knowing what was going on.

By the end of this post, you’ll know the 25 subtle yet undeniable (and sometimes strange) signs you’re having a spiritual awakening.

But before we dive into the signs you may want to know…

What Is A Spiritual Awakening?

In a nutshell, it’s waking up to the fact that there is more to life than the physical.

It’s knowing you’re so much more than flesh, blood, and all things physical.

It’s knowing that everything is, because of Spirit, or Consciousness.

It’s realizing how you create your own reality, not just by physical action, but by working with your thoughts, emotions, and your life force, or spirit.

I’m willing to bet you’re here seeking guidance about the things you’ve been going through.

You want to know…

Are the changes I’ve been experiencing signs of a spiritual awakening, or am I just going crazy?

Well, you’re reading the right article, amigo. Let’s find out!

25 Signs You’re Having A Spiritual Awakening

Sign #1: You Experience Increased Synchronicity.

What is synchronicity? According to Carl Jung, synchronicity is the experience of two or more events which connect in a meaningful way – but don’t have any “cause” in common.

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In other words, you can’t quite say a situation or person is the one cause of these “coincidences.”

When you start the spiritual awakening process, a lot of synchronistic events take place.

You may see certain numbers, all the time, everywhere. You wake up or look at the clock and see the same repeating numbers such as 11:11, 22:22, 13:13 or whatever.

You find that you were only just thinking of an old buddy you hadn’t talked to in ten years, and suddenly they add you on Facebook.

You’re going through a rough time, and need some sort of encouragement.

Suddenly you see the Liverpool logo and notice the caption written on it: “You’ll Never Walk Alone.”

Synchronicity is always there. Life is synchronicity, be it positive or negative.

However, when you begin to wake up, you notice it more.

You notice the synchronicity so much that it’s ridiculous how no one else can see it!

Sign #2: You Start To Have Really Lucid Dreams.

Wondering what a lucid dream is? It’s a dream in which you become aware that you’re dreaming.

No doubt this has happened to many.

Usually, though, they wind up waking right up. In an actually, lucid dream, you take control of your dream world.

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I kept having lucid dream after lucid dream. In some of these, I would receive guidance.

Some of them, I would see certain things to watch out for in my life.

If you find yourself constantly waking up within your dreams, and then controlling them, then that’s definitely a sign you’re having a spiritual awakening!

Sign #3: A Desire To Meditate.

spiritual awakening signs

Why does this happen? When you’re in a meditative state, you’re even more aware than ever of your connection to the larger part of you.

You’re aware of your connection to Source.

And the longer you sit in meditation, the more you’re aware that you’re not just connected to Source…

You. Are. Source!

A spiritual awakening is nurtured by taking time to meditate, as often as possible. You’re aware of this, on a much deeper level.

You understand meditation is a way to help you be mindful about what really matters.

Meditation helps center you, so you’re not washed away by the non-important stuff, like materialism and Kylie Jenner’s new implants.

Sign #4: Time Matters Less To You.

Sure, you’ll look at a calendar, or a clock – but only because someone scheduled a meeting with you by a certain time on a certain day.

Or perhaps you’re supposed to give your neighbor’s cat some food in the evening.

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On a whole though, when you’re having a spiritual awakening, time ceases to matter.


As you awaken spiritually, you realize that in the grand scheme of things, time is a made-up concept.

We might as well decide there are 11 days in a week, and that 8 of those days are “the weekend.” Great idea right?

I know. Make me your president!

Time and space only matter as far as our physical lives on Earth are concerned.

When you wake up, you realize these don’t matter.

There is only Here, and there is only Now.

Sign #5: You Experience Higher Vibrational Sensations.

A sign you might be having a spiritual awakening is the feeling of energy or high vibrations in your body. 

For example, when you’re meditating, they tend to come on. Sometimes really strong. Other times, they can occur randomly.

It’s like a surge of energy going through you.

If you’ve had this happen before, you know what I mean. It feels like…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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