Do Animals Have Auras? Everything You Need To Know

An aura is a subtle and protective bubble of energy surrounding one’s physical body.

It is also known as a biofield, energy field, or, in scientific terms, the electromagnetic field. 

Both humans and animals have auras- in fact, all living and conscious entities have auras!

This means plants, gemstones, trees, and other natural entities emit their own unique frequency.

Let’s find out more.

So Do Animals Have Auras?

Absolutely… We live in a world of subtle and spiritual energy.

In the quantum field, the physical universe is in fact non-physical, which means everything is hidden, unseen, and apparently invisible constructs and creates the world as we know it or like to perceive it. 

Reality is subjective.

Some people can see and feel auras, specifically empaths, spiritual healers, clairsentients, and clairvoyants, as well as those who work with shamanic and subtle forces. 

The human biofield is very similar to the animal biofield.

The key similarity is that both humans and animals emit frequencies and vibrations of energy, through the heart. 

The heart is a powerful conductor, transmitter, and receiver of energy- energy, of course, being thoughts, emotions, frequencies, and subtle influences.

What we think, feel, and intend passes through our heart, as the heart is the bridge, and ripples out into our aura.

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The Power of the Heart

Woman connecting to her heart

The heart chakra, also known as the “energy portal” or “energy wheel” in Sanskrit, is a bridge between lower and higher consciousness.

Or the lower and higher chakras. 

It is important to be aware of the heart chakra when exploring animal auras because it is through an open and healthy heart chakra that we can start to see (and feel) animals’ auras. 

When our own heart chakras are closed, inactive, or unawakened, we cannot sense animals on an empathic and spiritual level.

Animals feel, they are sentient and conscious beings! 

Animals have emotions, needs, desires, feelings, and inner powerful pulls towards companionship, intimacy, and love.

Many animals actually show more empathy and unconditional than a lot of humans.

So, it’s essential to recognize the power of the heart and the capacity for love, connection, and deeper feelings.

Blocks in the heart chakra lead to blocks in the upper chakras- the throat, third eye, and crown chakras, and this means we cannot “see” or even feel an animal´s aura. 

Blocks in our own energy field lead to blocks in sight, subtle and spiritual perception, and intuition- and all the higher qualities linked to the Crown chakra, like unconditional love and unity consciousness. 

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Do Animals’ Auras Look The Same As Humans’ Auras?

animal auras looking the same as humans auras

When examining the question: do animals have auras, we can understand more by considering the appearance of auras. 

People who see auras tend to be clairvoyant, clairsentient, and claircognizant. 

Empaths see animal auras, and there’s even a specific type of empath called the “animal empath.”

We can learn a lot from this type of empathic and sensitive personality.

A lot of animals live much more closely to the Source than humans, which signifies that they have a golden glow to them. 

Fortunately, a large percentage of animals live close to nature in their natural habits. Or are blessed to be cared for and protected by humans in some natural environment. 

This means they are closer to the Source, the source of creation, the divine, etc. So their auras glow a lot more strongly and with a celestial, silver, green (the color of the heart and nature), golden or violet-magenta glow.

Why these colors?

Well, in truth an animal´s aura can be any color.

These are just the first ones that came intuitively to mind, based on spirit communication and past experience.

Let’s explore the colors of animal auras and what they symbolize. Remember that the aura can consist of many colors… Sometimes colors twirl and spiral into each other. 

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Colors of the Animal Aura and what they symbolize

Colors of an animals aura

#1. Red

A red auric field is usually seen in very primal and passionate animals. These include tigers, leopards, panthers, wolves, lions, horses, wasps, and alligators or crocodiles. 

Also, any animal that is found close to Mother Earth, like bears, squirrels, beavers, hedgehogs… 

Red symbolizes passion and physical instincts, but also security, groundedness, and basic survival qualities. 

So although animals with a strong libido and instincts will usually be seen with a red aura, more gentle and modest creatures who live in harmony with nature will equally have red auras.

These are usually red-green – symbolizing a balance between the Root chakra and Heart energy. 

#2. Orange

Animals who radiate an orange aura are warm and friendly animals.

Peacocks, ducks, hummingbirds, cows, swans,…

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