Feng Shui 2022 House Arrangement – TheChineseZodiac

What is Feng Shui

Literally, the word Feng Shui (pronounced Fung Shway) means Wind-Water. It is an ancient Chinese science that creates balance and harmony in living & workspaces, so that your life force energy or Ch’i (pronounced chee) flows, increasing your prosperity, health, and happiness.

Feng Shui works with:

Consider the balance of nature, and how nice you feel in the mountains, by a river or in a flower garden. This is the feeling Feng Shui can help you achieve within your own surroundings.

Partly, Feng Shui is using our common sense. Clearing out clutter, getting rid of old and unused items, and creating a more peaceful environment. But, of course, Feng Shui takes it much further than that.

There are visible and invisible energies that have an effect on you. The floorplan of your home, the land and buildings surrounding your home or office, furniture placement, and the alignment of doors are just a few examples of Feng Shui issues.

There are also symbolic things that can block our flow. For instance, a toilet seat lid kept open can signify money being flushed away from you. Dead plants can stagnate Ch’i, therefore stagnating your progress.

Sometimes negative energy can come from an invisible source, such as bad vibes from a former tenant, or electrical vibrations from a power company. For each “negative” energy, Feng Shui has a cure, or a solution.

Feng Shui actually isn’t that hard to practice and a perfect Feng Shui 2022 house arrangement is not impossible to obtain. The more you do it, the better you get. You learn to develop a sense of visible and invisible energies that have an effect on you.

Feng Shui uses an eight-sided pattern or Mandela called a Ba-Gua (translation: 8 symbols that hang up there). Each section represents a certain area of your life, such as career, benefactors, children, money, marriage, etc.

By overlaying the pattern to the floorplan of your home, you can identify the sections affecting the different areas of your life. (When applying the Ba-Gua symbol to the layout of your home, the front door is always considered the main entrance, even if you don’t use it).

If the garage is attached to the home, you need to include it in the layout. Some homes have extensions or missing sections when putting the Ba-Gua over the layout.

Feng Shui has cures that can re-energize or enhance these sections. Each side of the Ba-Gua also represents a different element (water, earth, etc.), as well as color, and these are things that we can keep in mind when decorating our home.

Bad House Arrangement Feng Shui (Sha)

  • clutter
  • dusty, unused or broken items
  • Bed directly under a window
  • Broken windows, screens, door
  • Exposed nails on walls
  • Water leaks or leaks in the roof
  • Exposed beams
  • Door at the end of a long hallway
  • Aggressive corners
  • Slanted walls
  • Front and Back doors aligned
  • Stove under a window
  • Staircase which faces the entrance door.

The 9 Minor Additions – Eliminate Negative Feng Shui from your House

Once any Sha has been identified, you can apply feng shui remedies and cures which will eliminate negative energy flow. Clean out the clutter, throw out junk, get rid of stuff you’re not using, fix broken windows, etc.

For things such as exposed beams, placement of furniture or appliances which can’t be moved, use an appropriate Feng Shui cure to restore and energize Ch’i.

These are called the 9 minor additions:

  • Bright Objects (mirrors, crystals, and lights)
  • Colors
  • Sounds (wind chimes, bells, music)
  • Vital Life Force (plants, fish, pets)
  • Kinetic Energy (water fountains, fans, windmills, flags, wind)
  • Heavy Objects (statues, sculptures, rocks)
  • Electrical Energy (electrical appliance, computers, TVs, stereo systems)
  • Symbols (bamboo flutes, the Ba-Gua, shapes corresponding to the elements, symbolic shapes such as an angel in the marriage or relationship area).
  • Other additions (flags, curtains, incense fragrances, pictures, rugs)

For instance, if your bed is under a window and you can’t move it, hang a faceted crystal ball 9 units (inches, cm, etc) from the ceiling in front of the window. What about exposed beams?

A Chinese bamboo flute hung on a beam transforms negative energy into positive. You can use the 9 minor additions to fix negative Feng Shui, energize certain sections of your house, and improve the flow of Ch’i.

The Three Secrets

Once you put your cures or solutions into place, they need to be reinforced by the Three Secrets, which is using the body, speech and mind while putting the cure in place.

For instance, after hanging a crystal or mirror, you could use your mind by visualizing a clear picture of the improvement you’d like to occur. While doing this, use your body by holding your hands together in a prayer position.

And use your speech by chanting a prayer, affirmation or mantra nine times. (the number 9 is important in Feng Shui).

Master Thomas Lin-Yun believes that by...

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in thechinesezodiac.org. All the rights of content are owned by thechinesezodiac.org. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.
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