feng shui moon rituals for your home

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What does the moon have to do with it? Everything!

The energy of your home (and life) is closely related to the energy of the moon and the sun.

As the earth moves in its orbit throughout the year, the energy in your home changes too.

Here’s how to use feng shui moon rituals to enhance the energy in your home!

You might be familiar with the different phases of the moon, but if not, let’s go through them and how they relate to feng shui!

different phases of the moon in the night sky - feng shui moon meanings

The phases of the moon represent the position of the moon in relation to the earth’s orbit.

Each phase carries different energy, too.

We not only feel that energy as we go through our day-to-day lives, but we also feel it in our homes.

The different phases of the moon are:

  • new moon
  • waxing crescent
  • first quarter
  • waxing gibbous
  • full moon
  • waning gibbous
  • last quarter
  • waning crescent

Each phase of the moon carries different energy.

Here’s a quick rundown of the moon phases and their energy:

  • new moon: fresh starts, new beginnings, clarity
  • waxing crescent: motivation, budding manifestations, positivity, intention, success
  • first quarter: taking action, creativity, decision making, course correction
  • waxing gibbous: momentum, refining decisions, observation
  • full moon: illumination, cleansing, energizing
  • waning gibbous: introspection, unraveling what’s holding you back
  • last quarter: releasing toxic beliefs, cord-cutting, clearing what no longer serves you
  • waning crescent: wisdom, peace, achieving your dreams, fulfillment, the end of your journey
full moon over the ocean

feng shui moon phases and their meanings:

In feng shui, moon phases and how they relate to your home closely follow the energetic meanings.

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The moon is Yin energy: feminine, passive, subtle, restful, and indirect.

The sun is Yang energy: masculine, active, fire, passion, and direct.

The energy in your home can reflect a balance of those energies, but it can also reflect an imbalance (balancing the energy you have OUTSIDE of your home.)

If your home is full of moon energy (Yin) it can feel: restful, quiet, calming, and peaceful.

If it’s full of sun energy, it can feel energizing, activating, sometimes chaotic, fast-moving, or even extremely creative.

One is not better than the other.

Instead, it’s important that your home balances the energy of your life.

If your life outside of the home is chaotic and fast-moving, it might be more important that your home feels restful and calming.

If your life outside of the home is relatively boring and slow, your home might instead feel exciting and energizing.

This is why feng shui is so personal. It can also give you clues to creating more balance in your life!

As the moon travels from new moon to full moon, it slowly transforms from passive, clear energy to more activated, impactful energy.

And as the moon travels from full moon to new moon, the reverse happens.

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The full moon carries the strongest energy and then moves towards more passive, restful energy.

moon phases in the night sky

Here’s how to use the moon phases and feng shui to deliberately change the energy of your home:

feng shui and the new moon:

The new moon is the time of new beginnings.

It’s a great time to set new intentions for your home and reset your home’s energy.

If there’s something you’d like to change (whether inside or outside of your home) consider using the few days before the new moon to smudge your home, clear your front door, and switch out your feng shui cures.

Then on the new moon, reset your intentions.

Write new intention statements, re-do your vision board, and set new goals for the next month.

feng shui and the waxing moons:

The waxing moons are when energy builds.

This is the time to take explosive action towards your goals!

Use the power of the moon to make all of the changes you desire, knowing that your intentions will carry you into achieving your dreams.

feng shui and the full moon:

The full moon is the peak of the energetic cycle.

This is the day you want to harness the energy of the moon to reach your fullest potential!

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During the full moon, you should: take stock of your dreams and the feng shui cures you have in your home. Are there any that need to change?

The full moon is the time to course-correct if necessary.

Have your goals for the month changed?

Is there something holding you back?

One full moon feng shui ritual you can use is the feng shui 27 things cure, but instead of moving 27 things, consider getting rid of 27 things. (Click here to learn more about the 27 things feng shui cure.)

Getting rid of 27 things symbolizes that you are making space for the things you want.

You’re clearing the things that are holding you back.

You’re harnessing the energy of the moon to create more change and welcome in your desires!

feng shui and the waning moons:

The waning moons are when energy turns…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in peacelovefengshui.com. All the rights of content are owned by peacelovefengshui.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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