Get Your Zen On: 14 Crystals for Calming Your Nerves

INSIDE: With these crystals for calming, you can feel more relaxed, less stressed, and better able to confront each moment of your life. Their frequencies are here to bring us more peace and zen.


Crystals have been around since the beginning of time and have long been used to heal and fortify the mind, body and spirit. In fact, there’s a whole lot of crystals dedicated to relieving feelings of stress and anxiety.

If you struggle with stress or anxiety, you know that these feelings often spiral beyond control.

According to the Mayo Clinic, once a perceived threat passes, the hormone levels in the body return back to normal. However, if you’re constantly under stress, the overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones can throw off your whole system.

This is why it’s extremely important to have healthy and helpful mechanisms for coping with anxiety and stress. And that’s where crystals for calming nerves come in…

Crystals for Calming the Mind, Body & Spirit

Let’s get right into it and dive into some of the best crystals for calming the mind, body, and spirit to get that much needed zen in our daily lives…


A versatile and abundantly available crystal, Amethyst is easily one of the best crystals for calming your nerves.

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Amethyst has long been known to promote harmony and tranquility. It is also known to reduce stress and anxiety, to relieve pain, and reduce headaches. It is also considered an excellent crystal to promote clarity of mind and facilitate relaxation and restful sleep.

These, along with other purported benefits, makes Amethyst a must-have crystal on your journey towards peaceful living.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is another versatile stone on our list of crystals for calming your nerves. The soft energy of rose quartz is known to ease emotional distress and balance thoughts and emotions. It is also known to aid in emotional healing, and is used to overcome any form of hurt, trauma, or heartache.

Rose Quartz inspires feelings of love and joy, making it one of the best crystals for self-love practices. It also inspires compassion and can provide us with a boost of peaceful and harmonious energies.



Lepidolite is known to induce gradual change, helping in the release of old and dysfunctional mental and behavioral patterns, while ushering in greater clarity and awareness.

It is also known to effectively eliminate negativity, promote emotional healing, alleviate stress, anxiety, or depression, and lessen sleep disturbances.

Lepidolite provides protection from various outside influences and promotes inner peace by balancing our thoughts and emotions, as well as boosting self-love. Add Lepidolite to your crystal inventory to protect, heal, and nurture yourself.

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Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is one of the most common crystals used to shield and protect from negativity. It helps ground us, promoting balanced thoughts and emotions, and helping us overcome self-doubt and negative thinking.

These reasons make Black Tourmaline one of the most potent crystals for calming practices. It’s also known to help raise our vibrations by encouraging positive thinking and instilling a sense of happiness and contentment, making it indispensable to any crystal-based healing routine.

Green Jade

Green Jade

This beautiful green crystal has been used for ages to promote peace and prosperity. Green Jade is famous for promoting growth – mental, emotional, or material – and is known to usher in good luck and fortune.

This protective stone encourages compassion, harmony, self-love and positivity. It helps clear out negative thinking, reduces anxiety, and soothes both the mental and emotional body. It also promotes self-confidence and improved interpersonal interactions and relationships.

Use Green Jade if you want to feel blessed every day.

Grey Botswana Agate

Grey Botswana Agate

This gentle Agate is known to help release suppressed emotions, remove mental and emotional blockages, and heal from emotional pain or mental anguish of any kind.

Grey Botswana Agate is said to help deal with depression by encouraging positive thinking instead of concentrating on negative thoughts and challenging circumstances. It promotes creative thinking and a problem-solving attitude.

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The healing properties of Grey Botswana Agate encourage love and compassion, help us center ourselves, and fortify our mental and emotional space. This makes it a great choice for crystals for calming and soothing energies.



Emerald is another crystal that has been used for thousands of years to promote healing and abundance. It aids good mental and emotional health, happiness, and prosperity.

Emerald is known to ease stress and anxiety, heal emotional wounds, encourage love, compassion and self-worth, and promote tranquility. It is known to be effective in healing emotional discord and it encourages healthy and harmonious relationships.

If you want to ease your way into inner peace, choose an Emerald.

Smoky Quartz

The gentle energy of Smoky…

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